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There will be four meetings this week.  To learn more about any of the following topics, see the Agenda page on the city website.

The Historic Preservation Board meets tonight at 6:30 in City Council Chambers.  They will consider requests for two Certificates of Appropriateness for demolitions:  a house at 1100 Miller Place (map), to be replaced by a duplex, and a wooden addition on the back of Foothills 2, the building south of Foothills Art Center.

The Economic Development Commission meets tomorrow night at 6:30 at the Planning Office, 1445 Tenth Street (map).  They will review their budget for 2017.

The Citizen’s Budget Advisory Committee meets Wednesday morning at 7:30 in City Council Chambers.  They will discuss City Council’s comments on the 2017 Operating Budget and Capital Improvements Plan.

City Council meets Thursday night at 6:30 in City Council Chambers.  They have a long agenda, which includes:

* Veteran’s Day Proclamation
* 2016 National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness
* Presentation about population changes by the State Demographer
* Budget amendment of $149K to complete funding of a $1 million trail from Easley Road to Salvia Street and Grampsus Park.
* Public hearing about the budget and the capital improvement plan.
* Amend portions of the City’s Health and Sanitation code to prohibit carbon dioxide machines used in marijuana growing operations
* Ordinance to require private off-leash dog parks (like in apartment complexes) to meet the same standards as public off-leash dog parks.  This includes 4 foot minimum fences, double locking entryway, provision of shade and water, regular plans to pick up the dog waste, garbage can on site, and posted rules and regulations.

They will vote on several changes to our criminal code.  It will become illegal to manufacture, distribute, or sell devices that deactivate theft detection devices.    Possession of open marijuana containers will be more restricted.  It will be unlawful to possess an illegal weapon.  They are defining some alternative ways of handling municipal offenses by juveniles aged 10 and older.  They are removing a section that prohibits aggressive begging.

They will also vote on a change to the requirements for snow and ice removal.  If I interpreted this correctly, failure to clear your sidewalk is currently a criminal act.  This ordinance will make it a ticketable expense instead, with financial penalties.

They will be asked to approve a change to the lot line and utility and drainage easements for 321 18th Street (map).

They will consider a plan that would give the city the option to buy 4.7 acres of land for $775K from the Brunel family (map) for use in rerouting Highway 93.  In exchange for this option, the city will give the Brunels a parcel of land adjacent to their current holdings and will agree to provide City water to three new houses on the Brunel property.
