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Planning for Tonight and the Future

The Golden Library has Lego Play & Build this afternoon from 4-5.  All ages are welcome.    The Buffalo Rose has line dancing from 5-7, and Geeks Who Drink from 6:30-9:30.  The Ace Hi has Trivia starting at 7.

A Week From Tonight
We all know that the Golden Library offers good children’s programs–storytimes, games, DIY workshops–but they also offer a lot of interesting things for adults.  Next Tuesday (August 30th, 6-7PM), they’re offering an estate planning seminar.  They’ve invited an attorney from Ball & Barry to share his expertise.   Here are the topics he’ll cover:

  • If you don’t have an estate plan, don’t worry! The State of Colorado and the IRS have already done one for you. You might not like it.
  • Whether you need to worry about estate taxes.
  • Why a well-drafted living trust is an important investment for all homeowners. · How to leave an inheritance the right way.
  • How to protect your assets from lawsuits (a must for anyone who owns rental real estate or a business).
  • How to prevent an ex-spouse, creditors and immature financial judgment from destroying the inheritance you have built for your children and other loved ones.
  • How the probate process works and why you should try to avoid it!
  • Why trust planning is a valuable estate planning tool.

Sounds like a lot of good information, and, like all of the Library programs, it’s FREE.
