At the November 12th City Council meeting, the Public Works department and Karlyn Tilley, Communications Manager, described how they plan to communicate when the Highway 6 and 19th St. project starts. They will have a public kick-off meeting in January. The January Informer is going to be a special full-color edition, almost entirely about this construction project.
Approximately January -June, no changes in traffic patterns
For the first 5-6 months after construction begins, everything will be happening alongside the current roads, with work on the on- and off-ramps. Next summer, after most of the Mines students leave town, they’ll start construction right on Highway 6.
Next summer, Highway 6 is torn up and traffic routed to the sides
During construction, they plan to have a dedicated website that will always have the latest construction info. They also plan to have signs, a telephone hotline and an opt-in email list, and they’ll be installing webcams.