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Here’s the rundown on this week’s City meetings.  All three meetings will be held at 6:30 in City Council Chambers.  The agenda for each meeting is available on the City website.

Monday – The Historic Preservation Board will review a survey of 50 commercial properties within the Golden City Limits.  To request a copy of the survey, contact Rick Muriby, Planning Manager.  They will also discuss a possible new historic district in the area around Foothills Art Center.

Wednesday – The Planning Commission will consider a request by the City that the Community Center be rezoned.  Several months ago, the city installed a new HVAC system on the roof, which was taller than the previous system.  The homeowner on the adjacent property objected to the loss of mountain view resulting from the new construct, and pointed out that the new height exceeded what was permitted by zoning.  The City considered the cost of moving the HVAC system to a lower part of the roof and decided instead to change the Community Center’s zoning so the new height would be allowed.  Planning Commission will be asked to sanction this change.  The Commission will also be asked to make a policy recommendation regarding an access road to the 9.5 acre Shelton Studio Ranch property.

Thursday – City Council will consider mitigation options for some old mines located on City property at the north end of town.  They will also consider whether recreational marajuana can be sold or grown in Golden.
