7:30AM Golden Young Professionals Monthly Membership Meeting @ Golden Visitors Center
9-9:55AM Silver Sneakers Classic (Virtual)
9:15-9:45AM Baby Time @ Golden Library
10AM Wild West Walking Tour
10AM and 1PM Wild West Short Tour
10-10:30AM Call In: Mid-Morning Meditation (Virtual)

3-4:30PM Vaccine, License & Microchip Clinic @ Foothills Animal Shelter
4-11PM Cheese Night with Cheese Ranch @ Mountain Toad
5:45-7:45PM GWiB Table Talks @ Morris & Mae

6-7:30PM Native American Uses of Plants in the Rocky Mountain Region @ Golden History Museum – SOLD OUT
6PM Run Club @ Runners Roost
6-9PM Mini Paint Night @ Golden Game Guild
6-10PM Wax N’ Suds @ Columbine Café

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7PM Parks, Recreation and Museums Advisory Board Meeting @ City Hall
The Parks & Rec Board will review three calls for proposals for public art pieces in public parks. The Public Arts Commission has budgeted $75,000 for each of two neighborhood parks (DeLong Park – map and New Loveland Mine Park – map) and $75,000 for a small parcel of City Land at South Golden Road and East Street (map). The Parks & Rec Board has budgeted $20,000 to build “artistic signage” on the Peaks to Plains Trail. They will review that RFP as well.
They will review their work plan for 2024.
They will discuss success metrics for the pesticide-free park project. A group of volunteers has been running a pilot project in DeLong Park.


5-8PM Kory Montgomery @ Golden Mill

6-8PM Karaoke Night @ Morris & Mae

6-9PM Rob Wivchar – Man of 1000 Songs @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage)
6PM UllrGrass ’24 Band Contest @ New Terrain Brewing
8PM Karaoke @ Rock Rest Lodge


An omnibus was an early form of public transportation–a horse-drawn vehicle with a door in the back and benches along the sides. Golden’s omnibus picked up passengers from the railroad depot and carried them to the business district along Washington Avenue.

142 Years Ago
The January 18, 1882 Colorado Transcript reported the following:
Dr. Jos. Anderson had a narrow escape from a serious accident Tuesday morning. He was seated in the back part of the omnibus as it turned the corner of Second street and the avenue and was leaning against the door to say “good morning” to a friend, when the wagon passed over the crossing, throwing him violently out of the door. He struck upon his side and forehead, sustaining several painful bruises, from which nothing serious is apprehended. In the language of Deputy Sheriff Todd, who ran to his assistance, “he looked as bewildered as a ‘possum treed in a holler log.”

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!

Many thanks to the people and organizations who support What’s Happening in Golden? If you would like to support local news, please CLICK HERE!
JANUARY SPONSORS: Buffalo Rose, Buglet Solar, Foothills Art Center, Golden City Brewery, Golden Cultural Alliance, Golden History Museum, Golden Super Cruise, Miners Alley Playhouse, The Golden Mill, Golden Chamber of Commerce, Golden History Tours, Morris & Mae Market, Miners Saloon, Joy and Jack Brandt, Tom Reiley, Simon Maybury, ML Richardson, and Steve Hoppin
Contributors: Greg Poulos, Vic DeMaria, Cynthia Merrill Tamny, Barry & Liz Bettis, and Steve Enger
Ongoing Monthly Supporters:
Tall Pines Painting, Baby Doe’s Clothing, Golden Community Garden, Carol & Doug Harwood, Jennings & Litz, Bill Fisher, Brian Quarnstrom, Casey & Gina Brown, Cheryl & Tom Schweich, Robert Storrs, Karen Smith, Sandy Curran, Paul Haseman, Michele Sannes, Kathy Smith, Crystal Culbert, Pat Madison, Donna Anderson, Ann Pattison, Carol & Don Cameron, Tom Hughes, Emeline Paulson, Susan Gray, David Smith, Karen Oxman, Laura King & Scott Wilson, Bill Sedgeley, Mariane Erickson, Carol Abel, Dot & Eric Brownson, Ann Norton & Jonathan Storer, Deb Goeldner, Rosemary Coffman, Jim & LouAnne Dale, Francine Butler, Elaine Marolla, Dixie Termin & Ron Miller, John & Andi Pearson, Chris Ball, Tom Hoffman, Patrick & Lisa Vitry, Alice Madison & Jim Kalivas, Lora Haimes, Nancy & Carlos Bernal, and Stephanie Painter, Holly Thoma, Julie Bartos & Brad Miller, and Bobby German and Alison McNally