Virtual Events
8:30-9:25AM Silver Sneakers Classic
10AM Call In: Mid-Morning Meditation
11AM-12PM All Levels Yoga
6-7PM Virtual: Qs and Brews Trivia w The Library
6-7:30PM Seesaw: How November ’42 Shaped the Future @ Golden History Museum
By late 1942 the world had been fighting for years, with no end in sight. The five weeks from late October to early December saw campaigns, battles and developments which decisively turned the war to the Allies’ favor. Author and returning presenter, Stan Moore takes a fresh look at the personalities and events that led up to this critical period. He then examines five campaigns around the world through the month of November. Moore also discusses how the campaigns and events are inter-related in new and interesting ways. His sources are interviews, oral histories and previously unavailable diaries, photos, and letters. Learn more….

6-7PM Mines Community Meeting – Virtual Zoom Presentation
Status of Mines Master Plan Implementation
– Labriola Innovation
– Center
– Beck Venture Center
– Early Childhood Education Center
– Minerals and Energy Resources Building (f.k.a the Sub-Surface Frontiers Building)
– Mines Park
Traffic Study
Easy Mile Autonomous Shuttle Service Update
Athletic Complex (Marv Kay Stadium)
– Events
– Lighting
– Sound
Davis Partnership Architecture (Brian Erickson and Ben Hanlon)
– Early Childhood Education Center
Questions/discussion Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://mines.zoom.us/j/92982713187?pwd=K0RvTU94ajBhdU9RQTIyS1pPR1Mwdz09&from=addon
Password: 441846

Real World Events
11AM-12:30PM Golden Community Table @ First United Methodist Church
2-9PM Raise a Pint, Lend a Hand for Colorado Wounded Vets @ Holidaily Brewing
6PM Fun Run @ Runners Roost
7PM Legally Blonde @ Golden High School
5-9PM Icelantic’s Launch of Winter @ The Golden Mill
Join us for an evening of winter stoke, music, raffles, giveaways and drinks! Plus, a chance to win a free pair of skis and Winter on the Rocks tickets!

Giveaways from our friends at Loveland Ski Area, Bentgate Mountaineering, POW, Limber Grove, Purl Wax, WhatVest, Bivouac Coffee, Colorado Ski Furniture, Powder7, Gravity Haus, and more.
This is a free event! All raffle and donation proceeds will support Protect Our Winters. Details and RSVP

5PMGolden Chamber’s VIBE@Five @ Roaming Buffalo Bar-B-Que
This event is for members of the Golden Chamber of Commerce and their guests – as well as for members of the Golden Young Professionals. Stop in for a quick hello and a refreshment right after work and a chance to get to know fellow members of the Golden Chamber of Commerce and Golden Young Professionals. This is a great networking and socializing event! More….

6:30PM Economic Development Commission Meeting
The Mines Venture Center for Entrepreneurship will request a $3500 grant. Staff will report on the September 21st hiring fair, which drew 19 applicants. EDComm and Jeffco EDComm plan to host a networking event at New Terrain Brewing on 11/17. At the previous meeting, they discussed plans to revive the goodtobegolden.com program, so there may be an update on that.
Sales tax revenue continues to be higher than both 2020 and 2019. EDComm spent $5400 funding Traxion, $1500 on Small Business Development Support, $1126 on the volunteer database, $960 on “Discovery Tech,” $880 on COVID business recovery loans, $800 on sponsorships, and $735 on the networking event.
Live Music

5-8PM Ryan Flores @ Goosetown Station
6PM Scott Slay & The Rail @ New Terrain Brewing
6PM Open Pick Night @ Over Yonder Brewing
7PM Scooter Brown Band @ Buffalo Rose (main venue)
8PM Karaoke @ Rock Rest Lodge
Golden History Moment

The original Armistice Day marked the end of World War I. As the headline says, Golden Went Wild at the news. They paraded and partied, they had a big bonfire, and they took turns ringing the fire bell. After many hours of non-stop clanging, the bell cracked. After that, it was called “Golden’s Liberty Bell.” The cracked bell was installed in a place of honor and a time capsule full of 1918 memorabilia was encased beneath it.

Subsequent Armistice Days
Golden’s Presbyterian and Christian Science churches held Armistice Day services. The Transcript reprinted the Armistice Day story, with the comment that “If you have a boy or girl in your family who has never read the Armistice Day story, see that it is read to them. History was made that day and no book in school will tell them of what took place in Golden at that time.”
Armistice Day was made a national legal holiday, and the Governor of Colorado designated Nov 4th-11th as American Legion appreciation week, “in recognition of the legion’s sincere efforts to carry out programs which are calculated to keep America American.” The county and city offices, schools, banks, and stores were closed for the day.
Jefferson County launched a savings bond campaign on Armistice Day. The United States was paying off the debt from World War II, and they were hoping to reach farmers when they were flush with cash at harvest time. “The best insurance all of us can have that our huge debt will not come tumbling down on our heads is to distribute it a widely as possible among individuals. Every dollar of our federal debt which is transferred to individual savings bonds brings just that more stability to our economy and lessens the inflationary pressure.”
The name of the holiday changed in 1954. “Armistice” originally memorialized the ceasefire at the end of World War I. By the mid-1950s, we had fought in another World War as well as Korea. “Veterans Day” celebrated the veterans of all wars. The Golden VFW Post marked the day with a barbecue.
Golden’s “Liberty Bell,” cracked during the Armistice Day celebration in 1918, was reinstalled in front of our new (1961) municipal center. The 1918 time capsule was opened and a new capsule was buried beneath the bell. The gathering included many people who had participated in the 1918 celebration.
In 1968, he Federal Government had moved Veterans Day to late October, to give people a three-day weekend. Several states–including Colorado–did not follow the Federal Government’s lead. After many years of protests and pressure, the Feds moved the holiday back to November 11th. The Transcript reported that it was “the first time in 10 years that federal employees will celebrate the holiday on the same day as Colorado and other state employees.” The Golden VFW sponsored a Script Writing competition Students were encouraged to submit tapes of themselves talking about “Why I Care About America.”

Fifty years had passed, and it was time to open the time capsule again. This time we were looking at the treasures buried in 1968. Despite the snowy day, hundreds of people turned up for the unveiling. The crowd included a number of people who had been present in 1968.
Thank you to everyone who served our country!