Coronavirus Update
Public Health References
CDC * Colorado * Jefferson County * City of Golden
Jefferson County’s case count page says that as of 3PM yesterday, there were 1,435 cases in Jefferson County (up from 1,401). There have been 80 deaths (up from 75) and 284 are hospitalized (up from 282). There are 109 known cases in Golden (up from 106).
Jefferson County has extended our Stay-at-Home order through May 8th. Everyone is asked to wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth when leaving the house. City and County fire restrictions are in place. Clear Creek is closed to all recreational activities.
Virtual Golden

2:45PM Coffee with Two Councilors
Grab a cup of coffee and join your councilors online for a virtual Coffee with Councilors today either by phone or in a video conference. The meeting actually starts at 3, but Councilors Casey Brown and JJ Trout will be online early, so we can all work out our Zoom connections.
Join the Zoom Meeting online. or you can join by phone only by calling 346-248-7799.
Meeting ID: 833 8096 4100
Password: 003756
5:30PM Live Stream through Facebook: The Buffalo Rose Restaurant
During this social distancing quarantine season, the Rose is proud to be:
- supporting independent artists (please tip through artist venmo)
- staying virtually connected with our community
- supporting our friends in the service industry
A Golden History Moment

This article from the Colorado Transcript, Number 26, May 7, 1925 describes an event that took place 95 years ago today (on May 2, 1925).
Wife of Denver Policeman Placed Under Arrest by Jefferson County Officers
Explosion Leads to Discovery of Hooch Factory Long Sought by Sheriff
An explosion in a huge moonshine still secreted in the heavy timber at Carter lake (map) near Coal creek canon last Saturday cased a forest fire, and has resulted in the arrest of several people and the suspension of a Denver policeman. It also resulted in the discovery of a moonshine factory for which Jefferson county officers have been searching several months.
When the forest fire was reported, Sheriff Johnson, Under Sheriff Hall and a large force of men from Golden, Arvada and other places hurried to the scene. The officers had been in that section several times previous, and they had a “hunch” as to the cause of the fire. However, by the time they had gotten the fire fighting forces working, the still operators had the opportunity to move a considerable amount of their apparatus and product. The still building and many barrels of mash were located, however. The hooch factory was cleverly camouflaged, being located in a low building and covered with trees and shrubs.
The article goes on to say that two women were found in a cabin nearby and were arrested, and one man showed up at 5AM the next morning and he was arrested. Still more arrests were expected. About a month later, two men were convicted of operating the still. One was fined $125 and the other $150.
Throughout the Prohibition years, the Sheriff’s Department spent a lot of their time tracking down moonshine facilities like the one described above. They wound up with a big collection of stills, which they would bring back to Golden and destroy. The caption for the photo (above) mentions that the stills were stored next to the Sheriff’s home. The Sheriff lived above the jail, which was next to the County Courthouse.

The Sheriff’s House/Jeffco Jail at 16th and Washington Avenue. Click to see the larger image.
The Golden Transcript (originally called the Colorado Transcript) has been publishing since 1866. The Golden History Museum has been working on digitizing the historic issues. You’ll find old Transcripts online at coloradohistoricnewspapers.org.