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Coffee, Bike Rides, City Council, and the Melodears

The sun peeping over South Table Mountain.  The sky is orange and the Golden valley is still in shadow.
Golden Eye Candy – Gunnar Tande – Sunrise – no Photoshop! – enlarge


9AM Golden Seniors – Coffee Klatch @ Golden Visitors Center
9-10AM Women’s Exercise and Bible Study @ First United Methodist Church
9:15-9:45AM Baby Time @ Golden Library

10AM Wild West Walking Tour
10:15-10:45AM Preschool Time @ Golden Library
1:30PM Triad Senior Safety @ Jeffco District Attorney’s Office
5:30PM Tuesday Night Rides @ Golden Mill
6PM SOGO (South Golden) Bikes & Beers @ Barrels and Bottles at Camp George West


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6:30PM City Council Regular Business Meeting @ City Hall

Environmental Items
Council will hear a proposal from the Sustainability Board to expand the ban on single use plastic bags. For this year, there is a 10 cent per bag fee for customers who use plastic bags supplied by stores. Next year, bags from stores will be banned entirely. This only applies to larger businesses, such as the grocery stores. The Sustainability Board proposes that the plastic bag ban be expanded to include smaller businesses.

The Sustainability Board is also proposing to study energy use by our existing businesses. We would use this data to require increased energy efficiency in existing buildings.

Councilors Brown and Reed are also proposing that we consider prohibiting or limiting the use of drive-throughs in new businesses, since they may disrupt our planned bike and pedestrian improvements and because cars generate heat and exhaust.

Consent Agenda
These items will be approved without discussion, unless a councilor requests discussion.

A resolution to authorize an Active Membership Statement for the Northern Colorado Fireshed Collaborative to support efforts of the Clear Creek Watershed and Forest Health Partnership. This involves steps (including controlled burns) to reduce wildfire risk in our (Clear Creek) watershed.

A resolution to approve the final design and construction plans for Lena Gulch flood control.

A resolution accepting grant funding to produce a storm drainage master plan for the Colorado School of Mines campus area.

They will read a proclamation regarding Women’s Equality Day 2023.

Financial Report
The City’s Finance Director and our auditor will present the 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

Ballot Issues
They will vote on whether to add a question to this fall’s ballot that would enable us to keep excess funds collected from the lodging tax in 2022.

They will vote on whether to ask voters to approve an increase in sales and use tax and/or an increase in property tax to pay for firefighters. (We already hired the firefighters, but for the first two years their salaries were covered by a grant.)

Public Hearings
They will hold public hearings and then vote on whether to designate the American Legion building, the house west of it, and a small building behind it as “Historic Sites.”

They will hold a public hearing and then vote on whether to update the language in our City Charter.

They will hold a public hearing and then vote on whether to give City Council additional benefits beginning January 1, 2024. The new benefits would include health insurance, membership in the Community Center, and a dependent care benefit. The insurance could cost the city from $9,360-$211,428/year. The community center pass would cost $384 for seniors or $472 for adults under 65. Current Council members would not be eligible for these additional benefits during their current terms of office.


If you’re thinking of running for City Council, be aware that you must turn in your nomination petition (with signatures from at least 25 registered electors) by 5PM next Monday, August 28, 2023. Learn more….

This should be a more interesting election than we’ve had in recent years. The two District jobs are both open, as is the Mayor’s job. From the scuttlebutt I’ve heard, we have at least two candidates for each of the District jobs and at least four candidates for Mayor!

As soon as we know who the candidates are, Leadership Golden and GoldenToday will schedule a candidates forum, so people can listen to each of the candidates answer a set of questions about the most pressing issues facing Golden.

In addition, I know of at least two groups (the Golden Cultural Alliance and Keep Golden Golden) who plan to present the candidates with written questions that address their issues (funding for cultural organizations and growth/density).

The Chamber of Commerce will also question the candidates about business-related concerns.

The Golden Transcript may also present the candidates with a set of written questions about Golden issues.

With all of these resources available, you should be able to pick candidates who will best represent your concerns. This year’s election will be November 7th.

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6PM Trivia Tuesdays @ Golden Mill

6:30-8:30PM Team Trivia Tuesdays @ Buffalo Rose

6:30-8:30PM Bar Bingo Night @ VFW Post 4171

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5-8PM Shawn Nelson Band @ Old Capitol Grill & Smokehouse
6PM Karaoke with Linda @ Dirty Dogs Roadhouse
6PM Open Bluegrass Pick Night @ Over Yonder Brewing


Earle Johnson and the Melodears in 1953 – Golden History Museum collection

Earle Johnson was a long-time music teacher in Golden’s schools. When he began teaching in 1899, he rode a circuit between Englewood, Arvada, Wheat Ridge, and Golden schools. In 1930 (31 years into his teaching career!), he accepted full-time employment in Golden. He taught here until retiring in 1954 and was 87 when he died in 1966. As Virginia Weigand wrote in the Transcript,

…in some families he taught three generations…. Professor Johnson organized the Melodears, a girls’ sextette composed of selected Golden High School singers who represented Golden everywhere.

The Melodears, formed in 1942, were soon performing at every school event, from assemblies and class plays to graduations. Earle Johnson was an enthusiastic member of the Golden Kiwanis, and often invited his young protegees to sing for the club.

Golden High School Melodears and Professor Johnson on the train, headed to Seattle, in 1952. Golden History Museum collection.

Soon, word got around about their extraordinary talent, and they began performing for the Golden Lions Club, Business & Professional Women’s club, the Masons, Fortnightly, Delphians, Oddfellows, City of Golden staff, and the American Legion. They sang at Fire Department fund raisers, building dedications, museum open houses, and on the radio. During World War II, they sang at Golden’s U. S. O. club. Their fame spread beyond Golden, and they were invited to events in Lakewood, Wheat Ridge, Denver, and Fort Collins. The pinnacle of their travels occurred in 1952, when they were asked to perform at the Kiwanis International Conference in Seattle.

This building ceased serving as a school in 1988. It is now the American Mountaineering Center.

The Melodears dissolved after the 1961/62 school year. When the old Golden High School/later Golden Junior High closed in 1988, the community held a reception to allow people to revisit and say farewell to the building. A group of Melodears alumnae reunited and sang for that event.

Hand-made, stapled program from the 1953 City employees’ Christmas party, featuring the Melodears.

The Golden History Museum has opened a new exhibit, Old School: Golden High Turns 150. There is a free opening reception this Thursday, August 24th, from 6-8pm at the Golden History Museum. The exhibit includes lots of Golden High School memorabilia, including this program from the 1953 Golden city employees’ Christmas party.

Come see the exhibit at the museum’s free opening reception this Thursday, August 24th, from 6-8pm at the Golden History Museum.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!


Many thanks to the people and organizations who support What’s Happening in Golden?  If you would like to support local news, please CLICK HERE!

AUGUST SPONSORS: Buffalo Rose, Buglet Solar, Foothills Art Center, Golden City Brewery, Golden Cultural Alliance, Golden History Museum, Golden Super Cruise, Miners Alley Playhouse, The Golden Mill, Golden Chamber of Commerce, Golden History Tours, Morris & Mae Market, Miners Saloon, Joy and Jack Brandt, Tom Reiley

Contributors: Greg Poulos, Vic DeMaria, Cynthia Merrill Tamny, Barry and Liz Bettis, Steve Enger

Ongoing Monthly Supporters:
Tall Pines Painting, Baby Doe’s Clothing, Golden Community Garden, Carol & Doug Harwood, Jennings & Litz, Bill Fisher, Brian Quarnstrom, Casey & Gina Brown, Cheryl & Tom Schweich, Robert Storrs, Karen Smith, Sandy Curran, Paul Haseman, Michele Sannes, Kathy Smith, Crystal Culbert, Pat Madison, Donna Anderson, Ann Pattison, Carol & Don Cameron, Tom Hughes, Emeline Paulson, Susan Gray, David Smith, Karen Oxman, Laura King & Scott Wilson, Bill Sedgeley, Mariane Erickson, Carol Abel, Dot & Eric Brownson, Ann Norton & Jonathan Storer, Deb Goeldner, Rosemary Coffman, Jim & LouAnne Dale, Francine Butler, Elaine Marolla, Dixie Termin & Ron Miller, John & Andi Pearson, Chris Ball, Tom Hoffman, Patrick & Lisa Vitry, Alice Madison & Jim Kalivas, Lora Haimes, and Nancy & Carlos Bernal

