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Wildfire Protection, Historic Photos and GIS, and Thoughts of Secession

Golden Eye Candy – Evening at Churches’ Ranch – Click to enlarge

Virtual Events

6-6:55AM Cardio Lift Interval
8-8:55AM Tai Chi
8:30-9:30AM Virtual Power Training
10-10:55AM All Levels Yoga Virtual
11-11:55AM Find Your Balance
3-5PM Hard Times Writing Workshop

Real World Events

9AM Golden Walks – Wednesday Morning Celebrating Life @ Golden Library
2-3:30PM Hydroponic Gardening: Get Growing! @ Golden Library
5-8PM Bike Tunes and Beers @ Golden Mill
5:30PM Brewmaster Dinner Series @ The Eddy
5:30PM Rab Equipment & Bentgate 5(ish)K Run Series @ Golden Mill

6-7:30PM Community Meeting on Golden’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan @ Golden City Hall
City of Golden will host a community-wide meeting to begin community education about the recently updated Community Wildfire Protection Plan in Golden. This meeting will be held in person with options to participate online. The meeting will be led by Golden Fire Chief Jerry Stricker, but members of the City’s Parks, Public Works, Community and Economic Development, Police, and Community Engagement Departments will be present – along with Jefferson County Open Space staff. 

In this meeting, staff will give an overview of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan, the ten wildfire risk zones identified in Golden, and ways that individuals and families can best be prepared in the event of a wildfire. There will also be a high level overview of mitigation efforts and evacuation planning done by the City and County recently. There will be time for a short Q&A session during the community-wide meeting. More information

6-7:30PM Golden: Then & Now @ Golden History Museum
“Then,” for the most part, is the last quarter of the 19th Century; “now” is the first half of 2021. While perusing historical photos of Golden online, Stuart Sipkin came across a collection of photos that were mostly taken during the last quarter of the 19th Century. The variety and number of photos were perfect for a project he had been thinking about for a while – trying to recreate historical photos as precisely as possible in the modern day. Given the changes in the urban landscape, finding the exact location that the original photographer stood to take each photo was sometimes easy, but sometimes quite challenging. Join us at the museum to learn how Stuart used modern mapping and Geographic Information Systems to determine some of these locations and see the finished images of Golden’s changing landscape. Hybrid virtual and in-person event. Register on eventbrite.

6PM Pong Night @ Coda Brewing
7PM Trivia Night @ Trailhead Taphouse

Live Music

6-9PM Carl DeFederico @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage)
6:30PM Open Jam/Mic at Over Yonder Brewing

Golden History Moment

Portrait of Transcript Founder George West from the Golden History Museum Collection – enlarge

I have been asked if historic Transcripts displayed much racism. The editorial voice depended on the editor, and for the most part no, they were not notably racist…with the exception of the period from 1906-1927, when George West’s son, Harley, was running the paper. I could produce several examples of racist comments from his era.

Having made such a statement, imagine my surprise when I saw the article published 152 years ago today, on June 29, 1870: “Will the West Stand for It?” I have no doubt that George West himself wrote this article, in which he expresses fury with the Grant administration for their efforts to make peace with the Plains Indians.

It is not at all strange that western people look with the most supreme contempt upon the President and officers of the government who have debased themselves and insulted every man, woman, and child west of the Missouri by this miserable driveling over the lousy, cutthroat Sioux whom they have been feasting and fawning upon for the last three weeks. These very brutes and their followers have been murdering our men and women with the most horrible indecencies for the past five years….
Colorado Transcript
– June 29, 1870

Portraits of President Grant and Chief Red Cloud – both from the Library of Congress Collection – enlarge

The article goes on to refer to them as “these murderers of our brethren and ravishers of our wives and sisters…murderous savages…villainous brutes.” That article didn’t display the casual racism that his son’s writings did, but it certainly expressed loathing for another race.

West made the trip across the plains several times by wagon before the railroad reached Colorado. That would have been a harrowing trip, since the indigenous population was up in arms over incursion by Whites. I don’t know whether West himself ever clashed with the natives, but he was certainly wary of them.

The article ends with the threat of the western states seceding from the union “if the government does not cease its insults and give us the protection we have the right to claim!” (This, coming from a Union officer!) It was an unusually passionate and angry article from the normally low-key, good-natured George West.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
