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Where Do Little Demons Come From?

Nine year book covers featuring demons
Golden High School Year Books - Click to enlarge

96 Years Ago
In 1928, Golden High School held a contest to decide on a school mascot. The finalists were: Golden Buffaloes (7 votes), Golden Maroons (8 votes), Golden Mountaineers (10), Golden Bears (14), and the Golden Demons (131 votes).

From that time until this, Golden High School students have been known as “the Demons.”

1930's-era 2 story school with pink flowering trees in front.  U.S. Post Office appears on right side, along with aqua car from 1950s.
Mitchell Elementary School on 12th Street, across from the Golden Post Office – Golden History Museum Collection

58 Years Ago
Golden’s younger children always knew they were fated to be Demons. At no other time was that so clearly spelled out as in this photo from the March 24, 1966 Colorado Transcript:

Overgrown evergreens screen many of the letters in MITCHELL ELEMENTARY. What is left spells out HELL ELEMENT.
Hell Element – Colorado Transcript, March 24, 1966

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
