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Washington Avenue…in what year? - Click to enlarge

It’s time for another episode of What Year Was This? To date a photo, start by identifying the buildings and finding the years they were built & when they were demolished.

The Transcript building was constructed in 1870, the year the Colorado Central came to town. It’s still there, at 1115 Washington Avenue (map). So the photo was taken after 1870.

The empty lot is the next clue. There was an old hotel in that location from 1859 until 1909. Grant Churches built a garage there in 1922. So the photo is after 1909 and before 1922.

The Bella Vista Hotel appears behind the vacant lot. It was built in the early 1880s and demolished in 1920. So we know the photo is before 1920.

The buildings show that the photo was taken between 1909 and 1920.

The best clue of all is the poster on the fence. It says that Buffalo Bill will be in Denver on July 21st and 22nd. The Buffalo Bill Museum’s website includes a document entitled "Did Buffalo Bill Visit Your Town?" It lists the dates of his performances over a 40 year period. He was in Denver on the following dates:

July 21 – 23, 1879* | April 5–10, 1886 | Sept. 6 – 7, 1898 | August 6 – 7, 1902 | Aug. 31 – Sept. 1, 1908 | August 23 – 24, 1911 | July 21 – 22, 1913 | June 16 – 17, 1914 | June 21 – 22, 1915

There it is! This photo was taken in 1913. A search of the Colorado Transcript in the weeks prior to July 21-22, 1913 show that there was a tournament of competing fire departments in Golden on the 4th of July. The Denver team brought a piece of antique fire fighting equipment which was much admired all day. So this photo was most likely taken on the 4th of July, 1913.

Another interesting item is the poster on the fence saying BOOST YOUR OWN TOWN. PATRONIZE THE LOCAL MERCHANTS. Buy Local campaigns have been around for a long time!

Many thanks to the Golden Rotary Club for sponsoring Golden History Moments for the month of September.
