Virtual Events
8-9AM Golden Merchants Meeting @ Calvary Church (map) or Online
9-9:55AM Silver Sneakers Classic
10-11AM Story Time and Craft @ Colorado Railroad Museum & Online
10:15-10:30AM Toddler Time
2-2:30PM Small Bites: Finding Joy in Self Care and Change
2:30PM Local Licensing Authority Meeting @ City Hall
The Golden Mill has applied to change the registered manager. Hawk Energy LLC d/b/a Table Mountain Meetings and Events (map)–has applied for a Lodging and Entertainment Liquor License. Their new business is proposed to go in the Coors Tech Center.
5:30-6:25PM HIIT & Sculpt
6:30PM City Council Regular Business Meeting @ City Hall & Online
7-8PM Virtual: Denver New and Prospective Member Orientation (CMC)
Real World Events

8-9AM Golden Merchants Meeting @ Calvary Church (map) or Online
9-10AM Women’s Exercise and Bible Study @ First United Methodist Church
10-11AM Story Time and Craft @ Colorado Railroad Museum & Online
10:15AM Baby Time @ Golden Library – WAITLIST
6:30-8:30PM Team Trivia @ the Buffalo Rose Sky Bar
Prizes! Gift cards for 1st and 2nd place, SWAG for 3rd
6:30PM City Council Regular Business Meeting @ City Hall & Online
City Council will read two proclamations: Colorado Recycles Week and Small Business Saturday.
Astor House Parking
Most of the parking downtown belongs to the City and is shared by all of the downtown businesses. When one of the buildings is enlarged or its purpose is significantly changed (for instance–from a funeral home to restaurants), the owner is required to either build new parking spots or provide “cash in lieu of” new parking. The “cash in lieu” is to be used by the city to build more shared parking.
The Astor House is about to be expanded, and is therefore required to provide either 10-12 new parking spaces. or $9,920 per parking space
Tonight’s meeting packet suggests two approaches for City Council. They could allow the Astor House/Foothills Art Center to pay the cash over a period of up to 20 years. Alternatively, they could forego the requirement because FAC is already funding a lot of upgrades to the property. In either case, the assumption is that the Astor House patrons will use the parking garages on Jackson Street. Learn more….
They will vote on the ordinance that will enact the lodging tax.
The will vote on the City’s Annexation Plan. This is a standing document, periodically reviewed, that shows which areas the city would consider annexing if asked. When the Planning Commission recently reviewed this plan, they added two factors that they think deserve emphasis–annexations that would add affordable housing and annexations that would protect the undeveloped land north of town.
They will consider establishing a standing City Council Committee to work on Clear Creek Management issues.
They will have a brief discussion about Golden City Brewery’s proposal regarding their food trucks. The City recently discovered that the spot where GCB has parked their food trucks is actually an unimproved part of the public right of way. The City doesn’t want to establish a blanket rule that it’s OK to have food trucks in the public right of way, but they will consider granting individual licenses that would allow businesses to do so. Council will decide whether they want staff to spend time drafting a license agreement with GCB. Similar requests from other businesses are likely to follow.
The business meeting will be followed by a study session. The first topic is a memo suggesting how the lodging tax should be spent. The memo heavily emphasizes city-led infrastructure projects, with a passing reference to Golden’s cultural organizations. The second topic asks council to consider when they want to weigh in or legislative matters happening at the state or federal level.
Weekly COVID Update
Now that 5-year olds are eligible to receive vaccines, Jefferson County Public Health is reporting vaccination rate on a different base. Last week, I reported that 80.3% of Jeffco residents age 12 AND OVER had received at least one shot. This week’s number is based on Jeffco residents age 5 AND OVER.
% of Jeffco residents (5+) who have received at least one shot. 70.4% of residents 5+ are fully-vaccinated – source
Jefferson County Case Summary:
Cases in Jeffco – Nov 8th: 66,750 | Nov 15th: 68,753 (+2,003)
Deaths in Jeffco – Nov 8th: 1,004 | Nov 15th: 1,021 (+17)
Currently Hospitalized in Jeffco – Nov 15th: 80 | Nov 8th: 102 (+22)
Recovered – Nov 8th: 62,576 | Nov 15th: 64,404 (1,828)
Known Cases in Golden – Nov 8th: 2562 | Nov 15th: not updated
COVID Vaccine Appointments
State of Colorado: Where You Can Get Vaccinated
Jeffco Public Health Vaccine Call Center: 303-239-7000
State Vaccine Hotline: 1-877-268-2926.
Golden Testing Sites
Mines COVID Testing | Jeffco Fairgrounds COVID Testing
More Public Health References
Sign up for exposure notifications | CDC | Colorado | Jefferson County | City of Golden
Where to get vaccinated
The Pfizer COVID vaccine now has FULL FDA APPROVAL. Safeway (map) is accepting walk-ins to administer these free vaccines. Walgreens (map) takes walk-ins from 9:30AM to 1PM and 2-8PM Monday – Friday. Appointments are not necessary, but they are available.
Golden History Moment

60 Years Ago
The November 16, 1961 Colorado Transcript celebrated the dedication of the Golden Odd Fellows’ Temple. The Odd Fellows is a fraternal organization, dedicated to civic improvements and mutual aid. Their lodge was established in Golden in 1871.
I’ve read two versions regarding the origins of their name. The first says that in the middle ages, when guilds formed for the major trades–masons, butchers, goldsmiths, blacksmiths, etc.–the Odd Fellows was formed of people who did “odd jobs.” The second origin story says that they were formed to help each other and their communities, which some people considered an odd objective; thus, they were “Odd Fellows.”
Until recently, their lodge hall–or “temple”–was located on the second story of 1106 Washington Avenue (map). This building, constructed in 1871, housed many businesses over the years, including the Osborne market and the Avenue Hotel.

The Odd Fellows did a major renovation of the building in 1960. Victorian architecture was very much out of favor at that time, and old buildings were being demolished all over town. The Odd Fellows kept the inside walls of the building, but replaced the Victorian facade with modern, unadorned brick. The October 19, 1961 Transcript described it as “one of the most beautiful fronts in the city’s history.”

The Odd Fellows recently sold their building to the same company that has been working on the mortuary next door. The neon I.O.O.F. light is now part of the Golden History Museum collection.
Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!