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Ad headlines: BLIND! His Sacrifice-and Yours; Lest we forget; Thatta Boy!; Patriots will Wear THIS, and Make Victory Complete
A sampling of advertisements from the April 17, 1919 Colorado Transcript - Click to enlarge

105 Years Ago
The April 17, 1919 Colorado Transcript announced that Jefferson County needed to raise $149,000 for Victory Loans. World War I had ended the previous November, but we had yet to finish paying the costs of the war. A concerted campaign was underway to get county residents to buy "Victory Loan notes" from the Federal government.

The Victory Loan notes will bear interest at 4-3/4 per cent,and will mature in four years. They form the safest and best investment that can be offered anyone.

Let us take our full share and evidence our thankfulness that with this loan or boys will be brought home, and that the necessity for the most of our sacrifices during the was period that will pass away.

This is the last time the Liberty Loan Army will appeal to you for subscriptions of this nature.

Several local businesses (including Foss Drug, Koenig Mercantile, Tierney Jeweler, and Williams Transportation Company) ran large advertisements to reinforce patriotic feelings.

Linder hardware ad for seeds and farm implements, Golden Motor ad for Model T one-ton truck "without body"
Linder Hardware and Golden Motor Company advertisements - Colorado Transcript - April 17, 1919

In other news, it was planting time, and Linder Hardware was reminding people to buy "Garden, Field and Flower Seeds." They also carried farm implements, including drills, harrows, cultivators, and plows.

The Golden Motor Company reminded farmers that "The Ford Model T one-ton truck is proving a splendid time and money saver on the farm....One Ford truck is equal to half a dozen teams, and it won't 'eat its head off' when not working.... Price, without body, $550."
