COVID Updates

JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH IS OFFERING A FREE COVID VACCINATION CLINIC TODAY FROM 1-6PM AT GOLDEN HIGH SCHOOL – 701 24th Street (map). They will have both drive-through and walk-up stations. learn more
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment: All Coloradans 12 and older are eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine, and all Coloradans 18 and older are eligible to receive the Moderna or Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine.
Appointments to Get the COVID Vaccine
State of Colorado’s Find Out Where You Can Get Vaccinated page.
Jefferson County Public Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Call Center: 303-239-7000 |
State Hotline to answer questions, including location of vaccine providers: 1-877-268-2926.
Jefferson County Case Summary:
Cases in Jeffco – Weds: 47,395 | Thurs: 47,477 (+82)
Deaths in Jeffco – Weds: 825 | Thurs: 828 (+3)
Currently Hospitalized in Jeffco – Weds: 48 | Thurs: 44 (-4)
Recovered – Weds: 45,542 | Thurs: 45,680 (+138)
Known Cases in Golden – Mon: 1975 | Thurs: 1978 (+3)
Golden Testing Sites
Mines COVID Testing | Jeffco Fairgrounds COVID Testing
More Public Health References
School of Mines COVID-19 case page. | Sign up for exposure notifications | CDC | Colorado | Jefferson County | City of Golden
Virtual Events
6-6:55AM Virtual HIIT
8:30-9:30AM Virtual Power Training
10:30-11:15AM Play and Learn with the Library – Music and Movement
10:30-11AM Mental Fitness Fridays
11:40AM-12:30PM All Levels Yoga Virtual
3PM Vaccine, License & Microchip Clinic @ Foothills Animal Shelter
4-5PM Friday Crafternoons: Craft Stick Puzzle
Real World Events

12-9PM 1st/2nd Anniversary for Over Yonder Brewing Company
This brewery didn’t get to celebrate their first anniversary because of COVID, so they’re making up for it this year. They’ll have beer releases, an art market, and live music throughout the weekend.
1-6PM COVID Vaccination Clinic at Golden High School (map) – learn more
5PM 8th Anniversary Celebration for Mountain Toad Brewing – special tappings all weekend and live music Friday and Saturday nights
3PM Alibi at Goosetown Station
5PM Hillbilly Demons at Dirty Dogs Roadhouse
5PM 8th Anniversary Live Music @ Mountain Toad
6PM The Jelly Jars @ Over Yonder
6PM Edsel’s Garage at Wrigley’s
9PM Karaoke at Ace Hi Tavern
Golden Community Food Drive

Drop off food donations
Please drop off food donations (10AM-4PM, today through Saturday) at the CAG Food Pantry & Thrift Store at 1401 Ford Street (map). Food will be distributed among the three pantries. Or visit this page to donate cash!
Golden History Moment

79 Years Ago
Commuting to work was a tricky business in 1942. Many families owned cars by that time, but both gasoline and tires were being rationed. This made mass transit a necessity.
The Denver Tramway Company provided good service between Golden and Denver; however, several hundred Golden residents worked at the brand new Remington Arms Plant (now the Federal Center), which was running three shifts and was not located near the Tramway.

This was an ongoing problem for Golden’s workers, so the Chamber of Commerce took up the issue with the Tramway. The May 21, 1942 Colorado Transcript provides the Tramway’s response. They added a bus to carry workers from the Tramway stop to the Arms Plant.
For the 8AM Shift (35 minutes from Golden to the Plant)
6:57AM – Electric Car (Tramway) leaves Golden
7:15AM – Electric Car reaches Smith station
7:15AM – Bus leaves Smith station
7:32AM – Bus arrives at the Arms Plant
For the 4PM Shift (44 minutes from Golden to the Plant)
3:11PM – Electric Car (Tramway) leaves Golden
3:29PM – Electric Car reaches Smith station
3:38PM – Bus leaves Smith station
3:55PM – Bus arrives at the Arms Plant
The return trips were of similar duration. The Tramway declared that they could not feasibly provide service to cover the midnight shift. The Chamber promised to keep working on the issue.
The Tramway had been losing passengers for years, as more and more people turned to the convenience of driving their own automobiles; however, wartime rationing forced many people to return to using mass transit. When the war ended, people happily returned to driving private automobiles.
The Golden Transcript (originally called the Colorado Transcript) has been publishing since 1866. The Golden History Museum has been working on digitizing the historic issues. You’ll find old Transcripts online at coloradohistoricnewspapers.org