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Colorado Transcript - September 15, 1960 - Click to enlarge

For many years, the Transcript maintained a Society column. In the 1880s, there was a section called Town Topics. That included Golden news and upcoming cultural events, such as visiting lecturers and events at the Golden Opera House.

By the 1890s, the column was called “Items in Brief,” and included more personal information, such as “Mrs. W.H. Curry and daughter Helene went to Denver Monday to spend a few days with relatives and friends.”

In 1900, the section was called “News and Observations,” and had expanded to include club meetings, people visiting town, marriages, and dinner parties.

In 1910, the section (now called “Local Paragraphs, Visitors, Illnesses, Trips”) included a standing introduction saying, “The City reporter is no mind reader, much as he would like to be, so you will confer a great favor by dropping a card or calling up the office if you know an items of news. Phone Golden 78”

By 1920, the column was called “Social Happenings,” and in 1930, it was renamed “Society.” By that time they were covering club meetings and dinner parties–even children’s parties.

Little June Beebe Celebrates Birthday
Little June Beebe celebrated her 6th birthday with a party on Friday afternoon. The little folks enjoyed the afternoon playing games on the lawn, after which delicious refreshments were served.”

By 1931 the column was called “Golden Society,” which it remained for many decades.

The early columns included a surprising amount of detail about people’s personal lives. April 14, 1910 included:
Mr. and Mrs. Rees C. Vidler visited Idaho Springs last week. | Dennis & Cunningham have purchased a fine Stanley Steamer, and both are already proficient in handling the car. | Mrs. Phoebe Langworthy, formerly of Golden, celebrated her 92nd birthday at the old ladies’ home in Denver last week.

Colorado Transcript - June 12, 1961

In the 1950s and ’60s, women’s club meetings apparently defined society in Golden–luncheons and teas involving the Vice Versa Club, Legion Auxilliary, Faculty Women’s Club, Eastern Star, Entres Nous, Loch Lomond Grange, Fortnightly Club, Bridge Club, Tennis Club, Golf Club, Golden Gardeners Club, Delphian Study Club, etc. There were also engagement and wedding photos in almost every issue.

Men’s clubs were also wildly popular in the post World War II era, including the Kiwanis, the Optimists, the Elks, the Lions, and eventually the Rotarians, but these were covered separately–in fact, they often had weekly columns about club activities.

The Golden Transcript (originally called the Colorado Transcript) has been publishing since 1866. The Golden History Museum has been working on digitizing the historic issues. You’ll find old Transcripts online at
