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Have you been thinking of entering this year’s Table Mountain Tales Writing contest?  Better get a move on!  All entries must be postmarked by midnight, April 8th (tomorrow night).

As signposts in our community, North and South Table Mountains trigger a wealth of stories and memories about the Golden area. This is your chance to tell your stories about growing up, living, or working in and around Golden and South and North Table Mountains. Perhaps you remember an event or a family anecdote that you wish to share about what life was like in Golden in the past or now.

Adults and youth are invited to share their own special tales and recollections and submit them to the Table Mountain Tales writing contest. This year photographs submitted with the entries will also be accepted.  Entries will be judged by a panel of volunteer community members, and cash prizes will be awarded. Entries must be e-mailed or postmarked by midnight, April 8, 2013.

Contest Rules
Photograph Permission Form

Additional questions? Contact Barbara Haywood at 303-279-1236
