The Sustainability Board will meet tonight at 6:30PM in City Council Chambers. Staff will update them on the status of the proposed community solar garden. Bell Middle School students will present their research and recommendations to the Board for new Sustainability goals. The Board will then review their own draft goals for the city, which are ambitious:
100% renewable electricity by 2030
100% renewable heating by 2050
20% electric vehicles by 2030
100% electric vehicles by 2050
They are also working on recycling and water conservation goals. To learn more about Golden’s sustainability goals, see the meeting packet.
Tonight’s Live Music
The Old Capitol Grill and Smokehouse is starting a new music series, Wintery Wednesdays, in partnership with Coral Creek Music. Check it out from 6-9PM tonight.
Looking forward:
In the spirit of the season, tomorrow night (Thurs the 25th) starting at 5PM, the VFW Post 4171 will have a Horror Trivia Night.
Here’s something that sounds Halloween-ish, but isn’t: from Oct 29 – Nov 2, there’s an event for runners called Golden Hell Week. It’s a series of five runs that you can complete in your own time, but you must wear a timing device. Tomorrow night from 5:30-7:30, Bentgate is hosting a live demonstration of technical and route information. You’re invited to run with them from the store (1313 Washington Ave.) to Castle Rock. Learn more about Golden Hell Week….
Looking backward:
Yesterday, I attended a celebration luncheon of the Golden Fortnightly Club, a women’s club that was founded in 1886. We had a wonderful speaker, who portrayed a women’s club president in 1911. She mentioned that 3/4 of the libraries in the United States were created by women’s clubs. That is true of the Golden Library, which was founded by many local groups, including the Golden Fortnightly Club!
Last night I was checking the online historic Golden Transcript to see what was happening 100 years ago, and came across this item in the society column.

“What is a “gauze room,” I wondered. Apparently it was a room set up by the Red Cross, dedicated to making hospital supplies for the war effort (World War I). School girls and women were strongly encouraged to volunteer there, and many clubs opted to have their meetings there, so they could knit or sew as they talked. Golden’s was set up in the School of Mines Gymnasium.
And after that little digression–it’s nice to know that Golden Fortnightly is still operating after 132 years!
The Golden Transcript (originally called the Colorado Transcript) has been publishing since 1866. The Golden History Museum has been working on digitizing the old issues, and they’re currently up to June of 1948. You’ll find old Transcripts online at You can contribute to the cost of the digitizing project with a donation to the Golden History Museum.