Virtual Events

2-4PM Virtual: Sunday at the Museum – Quilting is a Contact Sport!
Join us on Sunday, October 10, 2021, when Jenny Lyon presents via Zoom her talk: Quilting is a Contact Sport! Jenny quilts and creates from her home studio in northern California and travels the country to teach and lecture on free-motion quilting. She loves to inspire and instruct her students to quilt their own quilts their own way. She calls herself “The Quiltskipper” because the joy of creating quilts sometimes just has to be expressed in a quick and silly skip around the house! Zoom link: Sunday at the Museum October 10, 2021 Meeting ID: 859 0950 8528 Passcode: 598016

This is the last day to see Jan R. Carson: Illuminated Works at Foothills Art Center. They are open today from 12-4PM
Real World Events

9AM-3PM Dinosaur Discovery Day – Scout Day @ Dinosaur Ridge
10AM-3PM Brunch at the Rose @ Buffalo Rose
2PM The Crucible @ Miners Alley Playhouse
6-8PM Colorado Haunted History: Murder, Mayhem and Madness Tour
Live Music

2PM The Rail Ramblers@ Golden Mill
3PM Bad Candy @ Wrigley’s

4PM DJ & Sax@ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage – outdoor patio)
4PM John Till @ Over Yonder
5PM Sunday Swing Supper Club @ Buffalo Rose

Golden History Moment

103 Years Ago
The October 10, 1918 Colorado Transcript announced that the City and County were imposing new rules to prevent the spread of the world-wide influenza epidemic. Effective immediately, all schools and churches were to be closed. Parties, dances, and lodge meetings were forbidden, and pool rooms, card rooms, and cigar stores were closed.
The article reported that Golden hadn’t seen many cases yet, but Denver was hard-hit. Golden people were asked to stay out of Denver.

These measures stayed in place until November 11th, Armistice Day. There were big public gatherings on November 11th, celebrating the end of World War I.
The celebration gatherings were followed by an increase in influenza cases, and the ban was renewed the following week.
Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!