7:45AM New and Prospective Member Hike @ Apex Park
8AM Saturday Morning Run and Social Walk @ Golden History Park
9AM-3PM Dinosaur Discovery Day – Cub Scouts @ Dinosaur Ridge

9:30AM-12PM Love Your Mother Earth Hike and Painting Class @ American Mountaineering Center

9:30AM-3PM Colorado Crossings @ Colorado Railroad Museum
Celebrate the uniquely Colorado intersection of steam trains and Galloping Geese! Enjoy the rare thrill of THREE Galloping Geese and two coal-fired narrow gauge locomotives in operation. The event kicks off each day with a “parade” at 9:30 a.m., followed by train rides every half hour until 3 p.m. There will be fun activities for the whole family from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Regular admission and train ride pricing applies. Advance purchase of admission and train ride tickets recommended. More information
10AM-5PM Mattress Fundraiser for the GHS Performing Arts Booster Club @ High School Gym (map)
10AM Wild West Walking Tour
10AM-noon Breakfast Burritos @ The Golden Mill
10AM-3PM Brunch at the Rose @ Buffalo Rose
10AM-4PM Painting Sunrises and Sunsets with Janet Nunn @ Foothills Art Center – SOLD OUT
10AM-4PM Spring into Health Expo @ Golden Mill
10AM-12PM Geology of Open Space Parks @ Lookout Mountain Nature Center
10:15AM Family Time @ Golden Library
12-3PM Plant Swap @ Over Yonder Brewing
1-3PM PAWS for Reading @ Golden Library
1PM Wild West Pub Crawl
6PM Maypole Dance @ Denver Kickers Sport Club
6PM Reel Rock 17 @ American Mountaineering Center
6:30PM Colorado Summit Ultimate Frisbee Game @ Marv Kay Stadium
See the complete calendar of events.


11AM-2PM Derek Hall @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage)
11:30AM Zea Stallings @ Tributary Food Hall
4-8PM Jewel & the Rough @ Wrigley’s
5-8PM Live Music @ Eddy Taproom
5-8PM Seeing Stars Band @ Over Yonder Brewing

5PM Parmalee Gulch Ramblers @ Morris & Mae
5PM Seeing Stars Band @ Over Yonder
5:30-8:30PM The Fuzzheads @ Goosetown Station

7-10PM Conal Rosanbalm @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage)

7PM Just a Girl | Blink 303 @ Buffalo Rose (main venue)
9PM Karaoke @ Ace Hi Tavern


One of the Golden Fire Department’s first pieces of equipment was a small pump on wheels called the “Fire King.” This item allowed the firefighters to drop a hose in any water source (such as a mill race, the Creek, or a reservoir) and pump it into hoses to apply to fires. This was valuable in an era before we had a municipal water supply or source of pressurized water. Early fire apparatus required many men and significant muscle. When an alarm sounded, the men ran to the equipment, hauled it to the fire, and used hand pumps to draw water.

149 Years Ago
The May 13, 1874 Colorado Transcript describes a drill night with the town’s newly-acquired Fire King.
The practice, in itself, was a complete success, and proved that the “Fire King” can throw two streams of water even better than it throws one–that is, with less strain upon the hose and with less muscle on the brakes. Water was taken at the Ford Street bridge, and there was no delay whatever after the suction was placed. Two lines of hose were used from the start…. The streams from the two lines crossed each other over the roof of the building, thus demonstrating that there is no block in town which cannot be saturated by the Fire King, provided water be within decent reach.

For many years in the 19th and early 20th century, the Fire Department held a big, festive occasion in May called “Inspection Day.” This included a parade followed by competitions that demonstrated the skill and strength needed in firefighting tasks. Local bands joined the parade. Fire Departments from other towns would visit Golden on our Inspection Day and participate in both the parade and the competitions. The day was often capped by a Firefighters Ball, which was a fund-raiser to help pay for equipment and uniforms.

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!