This is the first day of spring–and a proper spring day it is, with rapidly-melting snow and predicted high in the mid-50s.
Every year, the Regional Air Quality Council sponsors a lawnmower trade-in, to encourage homeowners to get rid of gas-powered engines in favor of electric mowers. They offer low-priced mowers, and give an extra discount to people who turn in gas mowers. There are two catches–first, they have a limited number of mowers, so you can’t delay if you want to reserve one. Second, you have to leave Golden (I know, I can hardly stand to type those words) to pick up the new mower. They have their pickup sites in such exotic foreign climes as Loveland, Commerce City, and Aurora. Still, if you want to learn more, visit
Don’t forget the city-sponsored garden-in-a-box program. Order a complete, water-efficient garden with a $25 discount through this website: