Head downtown tonight or Saturday night for music along the Avenue and lots of sales, samples, and specials in the stores from 5-8PM. Come for the music, do some shopping, and stay for dinner. See today’s Golden Business News for a run-down on events in the stores and restaurants. Make sure you take a free carriage ride between 5 and 7PM!
History Tomorrow
Tomorrow morning, plan to be at the Golden History Museum at 10AM for the celebration of the Museum’s 80th anniversary and their grand-reopening. The Westernaires Cavalry, Trick Ropers, and Pony Hoedowners will be on hand to help them celebrate the event. I got a preview of the newly-remodeled museum last night, and it’s beautiful, and full of interesting new insights into Golden history. The Museum is open from 10AM-4:30PM six days a week–closed Tuesdays.
Councilor Paul Haseman is going to lead tomorrow’s Golden History Roundtable. He’ll be telling us about the skullduggery involved in Denver’s stealing the capital away from Golden. That will happen at the Library at 2PM.
Colorado Haunted History will lead a Murder, Mayhem and Madness tour Saturday night at 8PM. This is a good tour–lurid highlights of Golden’s past.