
Public Health References
CDC * Colorado * Jefferson County * City of Golden
JCPHD updates these numbers Monday through Friday at about 3 PM. Here’s the most recent Coronavirus report from Jeffco Public Health’s Case Summary Page:
Cases in Jeffco – Weds: 8745 | Thurs: 8953 (+208)
Deaths in Jeffco – Weds: 314 | Thurs: 317 (+3)
Ever Hospitalized in Jeffco – Weds: 698 | Thurs: 724 (currently 66x) (+26)
Recovered – Weds: 6945 | Thurs: 7051 (+106)
Known Cases in Golden – Weds: 294 (this # is updated Mon, Weds, Fri)
School of Mines COVID-19 case page. | Masks are required. | City and County fire restrictions are in place. | Sign up for exposure notifications.
Monthly Appeal
Many thanks to the people who sponsored this email for the month of October. If you find this daily newsletter valuable, interesting, or fun, please consider sponsoring us for the month of November–or contributing a small amount on a monthly basis! Click here to find out how.
Virtual Golden
6-6:55AM Virtual HIIT
8:30-9:30AM Virtual Power Training

6-7:30PM Halloweve Virtual Chemistry Night for Elementary Students
Panhel Council welcomes elementary students at our Chemistry Night and Q&A with Scientists. Hope to see you there in costume! Prepare to be amazed by chemistry. Link for the live stream

7PM A Virtual Variety Fundraiser (Miners Alley Playhouse)
An evening of top notch performances, great food (picked up), and a renewed sense of community! Tons of fun…to raise some funds! Hosted by Executive/Artistic Director Len Matheo and Board President Lisa DeCaro!
Live and recorded entertainment from Miners Alley hit shows such as Fun Home, ONCE, Cabaret and more! Special Guest Appearances from Broadway to Hollywood! Specially curated meals available from Golden restaurants Bella Colibri and Mannie and Bo’s to enhance your viewing experience! Improv comedy from Scriptprov! Online Auction featuring really expensive and cool stuff! Tickets: $25
Real World Golden
Chow Down for the Coyotes @ Lil’ Ricci’s (Friday – Sunday)
Dine in or take out and support Shelton as you give yourself a night off from cooking! Be sure to mention Shelton when you order, or bring in the flyer. A portion of the proceeds (25%) will support Shelton!
11:30AM-4PM Lunch, Brews & Tour
You are invited to an Open House for Golden’s newest office space. We will have food and drinks while you mingle and enjoy the gorgeous renovated space. For questions on the Office Space that is available, or on the Open House, please contact Cheryle Powell.
1-2PM Friday Tour at the Railroad Museum – The Railroad Kitchen

2-4PM Neighborhood Family Halloween Trunk or Treat
at VFW Post 4171, 15625 W. 10th Ave. (map)
Wear a mask, and please, follow proper distancing.
7-10PM Halloween Party
at VFW Post 4171, 15625 W. 10th Ave. (map)
Costume Contest, Scaryoake, and Ghoulish Appetizers!

7:15PM Spectacle de Curiosité
Think you have what it takes to solve this time-traveling, outdoor adventure? Grab your detective buddies to the streets of Downtown Golden and discover the strangest sci-fi circus you’ve ever seen! Ghosts, vampires and time-traveling aliens gather at the vortex between worlds on Washington Avenue and YOU’RE INVITED!
This spell-binding outdoor adventure game will take your team on a dangerous journey outside, where you will try to save the future world from certain Armageddon! Think you can figure it out in time?
This is a Covid-Safe Live Theatrical Production. Face masks are required on all actors and participants, with 6 feet between all groups. DRESS: You’ll be outside, so dress accordingly – but STEAMPUNK attire would be quite apropos! MASKS ARE REQUIRED – If you don’t bring one, you’ll be given one. TICKET COST: $45 – includes, show and 2 adult beverages (Bring ID)
Golden History Moment

For as long as the Colorado Transcript remained in family hands (which was nearly 100 years), it was a Democratic newspaper. That sentiment was particularly strong in the October 29, 1936 edition. Franklin D. Roosevelt was running for his second term, and the paper’s editorial column took some strong potshots at the opposition:
There are going to be many voters, who have been publicly advocating Republicanism, when alone in the voting booth will recall Hoover’s “bread line,” “Brother can you spare a dime,” “The firing of the veterans’ camp at Washington,” “Mines closed,” “Farmers losing their farms by foreclosure,” “Industry stagnate,” “Millions out of work.” With American good sense they will vote the Democratic ticket so that these things may not occur again.”
They had some choice words about Charles Armstrong (Republican candidate for governor) too:
If Armstrong thinks the Armstrong method of using Armstrong tactics on election day, the employment of smashers and bruisers at the polls, will win him the respect of respectable voters–he has another think coming.

In case readers failed to read the editorials, the paper also had front page articles about two new buildings being funded by Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration–the new Central School on 12th Street and the planned field house on the Mines campus.

In other news, the Maroon & White column (news from Golden High School) advised readers to expect the usual Halloween “capers and jokes…the soaping of windows, the knocking over of cornstalks, the moving of wagons and small buildings, gates, fences and what not.”

The Golden Gem Theater had a special late show planned for Saturday night (Halloween). They were showing Boris Karloff in Frankenstein, Bela Lugosi in Dracula, and both Karloff and Lugosi in Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven.
Many thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!