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Colorado Transcript - July 27, 1870 - open - Click to enlarge

154 years ago, Golden was all atwitter at the imminent arrival of our railroad. The Transcript gave regular updates on the construction crews as they graded the way between Denver and Golden.

The Colorado Central grading is proceeding with commendable energy. The grade will be finished in 10 days and as soon as they are done, track-laying will commence.

photo taken from Castle Rock, looking down on the railroad and its freight depot, near Clear Creek
Photo taken from South Table Mountain looking north, in September of 1870, showing the completed Commissary and Freight House. The roundhouse isn’t visible in the photo, but would be off the right edge. Click to enlarge

The railway buildings were also under construction in late July: The two side walls of the freight depot are up, and the whole of the brick work will be finished the week, when Messrs. Parsons & Curry, the contractors, will commence the large commission house adjoining the foundation of which is ready for them.The foundation of the round-house is progressing as rapidly as necessary.

The Golden House - Golden History Museum Collection– Click to enlarge

Several other construction projects were underway in town, as people anticipated the prosperity that would come with the railroad. John Bush had begun construction on his Golden House hotel at 13th and Arapahoe. Unfortunately, that magnificent structure burned down just eight years later.

A new planing mill was being planned to go in next to the Brick Flouring Mill at 11th and Washington (current site of the Golden Hotel).

The Golden Transcript was published in 1115 Washington Avenue (Google maps) for nearly 100 years, before moving to larger quarters. – Golden History Museum collection – Click to enlarge

Of most lasting interest to us is the construction of the Golden Transcript’s building. The new Transcript building is up and the roof on. That building is still with us today, at 1115 Washington Avenue.

Many thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and many thanks to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!


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