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6:30PM Planning Commission Study Session @ City Hall

image of a GIS mapping app with Layers Icon, Use Zone menu item, and zoom button circled
How to check your zone, using the City's interactive map - Click to enlarge

As part of the multi-year project to rewrite our zoning code, staff has been working on a document to define allowable land uses for each zone. Commission members will review this first draft.

If you're wondering what would be permitted where you live:

Use the City's zoning map to determine your zone type (RE, R1, etc.).

1. Go to the interactive map.
2. Agree to their terms.
3. Click the Layers icon.
4. Check Use Zone.
5. Zoom in to the area of interest.

Check the Land Use Definition Matrix to see which uses are allowed in your zone.

You might also want to check nearby areas. You might be surprised to find what's allowed close to where you live!

My Questions:
I had the following question. I'm sharing the staff response, in case any of my readers had the same question.

1 Could a group home be administratively approved for a residential area (RE, R1, R2, R3)?  "Group home" would include residents with behavioral or mental health disorders, substance disorders, and up to one sex offender.  I see that in addition to administrative review, a group home would require public notice and comment.  Could the public stop this by expressing that they don't want it, or does that power lie only with the administrator?

 A. Staff is recommending having group-homes be approved administratively as long as they meet certain use-standards. Use standards may be distance requirements, parking, and limits to operations that align with current policy. The recommendation considers state statue where group-homes are to be allowed where housing is allowed. Notice and comment may be similar to how we put notice regarding certain administratively approved subdivisions. Even if group-homes went to a public hearing, there is a question how readily the City could deny them if they meet the requirements without the decision being questioned as unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious.
