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Planning Commission Meeting - April 3rd

map showing proposed credit union across the parking lot from Home Depot and Kohl's
Google Map with red marker showing the location of the proposed credit union drive-through - Click to enlarge

6:30PM The Planning Commission will consider the request for a Special Use Permit (SUP). Bellco Credit Union plans to build a new facility in the Interplaza (Home Depot/Kohl's) area.

Under the terms of the Planned Unit Development for that area, any new drive-through requires a Special Use Permit. There are two existing drive-throughs in Interplaza--Taco Bell and Independent Bank (formerly Guaranty Bank). The Commission will decide whether this new one is in harmony with the rest of the development.

One of the factors that they must consider is, "Whether the proposal will be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the present or future citizens of the City of Golden."

The staff analysis concludes that this one will be OK:

On its own, a drive through banking service is not detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Golden. Generally, auto-centric development can lead to prolonged periods of sitting in vehicles while waiting in drive-through lines, which can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, which is associated with various health risks, including obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal issues. Additionally, the reliance on drive-through banking may contribute to the erosion of personal relationships between customers and bank staff, as face-to-face interactions are minimized, which could also hinder customers' ability to address their financial needs comprehensively. Ultimately, the burden of health safety and welfare concerns associated with drive-through service is placed on the lifestyle choices of patrons. For those not in need of drive-through convenience, the bank will also have a lobby where in-person transactions can occur. Staff does not believe the proposed drive-through will be detrimental to health, safety or welfare of the public at this location.

The business meeting will be followed by a study session. The topics to be discussed are:

A. Sustainability energy code (no related documents in the meeting packet)
B. Notice radius (who needs to be invited to a planning meeting, based on proximity to the project - memo included in packet)
C. Phase 3 (presumably of the zoning code) and State Legislation Update (no related documents in the meeting packet)

Learn more.

City Hall Council Chambers
911 10th Street (map)
