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Planning Commission and City Council Meetings

The Planning Commission will meet tonight at 6:30 in City Council Chambers.  They will have a lengthy discussion with the Golden Urban Renewal Authority to determine how the two boards would work together on land review cases within an urban renewal district.  This is likely to become an issue because several new areas are under consideration an urban renewal areas, including the planned 8th Street apartment complex and the area around the bowling alley (24th and East St.).  They will also discuss certain refinements to the change in our 1% growth limit.

The City Council meets tomorrow night at 6:30.  Three businesses at 700 12th Street are requesting authorization for sidewalk seating.  There will be a presentation about the light rail and community call & ride service scheduled to begin in late April.  They will consider a lease agreement, allowing the state to use one of our mountain reservoirs for recreation.  Dan Hartman will provide an update about our water supply.  Council will consider leasing some water to Rolling Hills Country Club and to the Cit of Thornton.  The study session after the meeting will include interviews for the Fire Pension Board, and a discussion of the Public Art Program.

The agenda for both meetings are online.  The Planning Commission can be heard live through streaming audio on the city’s website, and the City Council will be available through live video.
