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PSA from the October 3, 1918 Colorado Transcript encouraging purchase of war bonds - Click to enlarge

106 Years Ago
The October 3, 1918 Colorado Transcript was full of World War I-inspired patriotic fervor. The lead article described members of the Student Army Training Corps of the School of Mines taking an oath to the flag in preparation for joining the army. Golden High School students were also getting in the swing. The boys were drilling and marching while the girls attended physical fitness classes.

The Red Cross had an on-going clothing drive for the people of Belgium, and were running a special “linen shower” for the hospitals in France.

The school music teacher was organizing a community sing-along so everyone could sing patriotic songs together.

Advertisements from the October 3, 1918 Colorado Transcript

The local businesses all joined in: most of their advertisements included plugs to buy war bonds. The Transcript editors sprinkled the paper with small ads describing what the bond money could buy (trench mortar shells, fragmentation drop bombs, hand grenades, shells, rifles, incendiary bombs, etc.).

Many thanks to an anonymous donor for sponsoring Golden History Moments for the month of October.
