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You’re invited to give your opinion on the future of parking in downtown Golden. City staff will host an introductory stakeholder meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, May 28 in City Council Chambers, 911 10th St.

The City initiated a downtown parking study related to the downtown commercial core and neighborhood parking areas earlier this year. The results of the portion of the study related to the downtown core are now available, and the City will present the results at this meeting. Staff then hopes to solicit information and opinions from a variety of stakeholders, to come up with a plan for usage and additional capacity of public parking for downtown users.

The downtown corridor is just one part of the parking study. Other parts of town include the various neighborhood permit parking areas around Golden High School and Colorado School of Mines, and along 9th Street. These areas of town will be part of separate discussions for potential management options. We will keep you posted of public meetings regarding those areas later this summer. For more information, contact Golden Community and Economic Development Director Steve Glueck at
