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NREL Breaks Ground on New Facility To Accelerate Lab-Scale Innovations for Scale-Up and Industry Adoption


The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) broke ground today [Sept. 16, 2024] on its new Energy Materials and Processing at Scale (EMAPS) facility on the east side of its South Table Mountain Campus in Golden, Colorado. The 127,000-square-foot laboratory will be a signature facility that will enable collaboration with industry partners, universities, and other DOE laboratories to accelerate laboratory-scale innovations in energy materials to market-ready products and processes... Read more...

Denver artist Joel Swanson questions everything

By Ray Mark Rinaldi
Denver Post

Swanson, whose objects challenge basic assumptions of everyday order, is showing new work at the Foothills Art Center in Golden... Read more...
