76 Years Ago
On March 24, 1949, Golden was celebrating an enlightening night. The Welcome Arch had just been completed, with its original neon lettering, and the public gathered to watch it be illuminated for the first time. In addition, the Golden Theater had undergone a refurbishment, and its new neon marquee was coming online.

The big event was preceded by a parade. The School of Mines Band, the Buffalo Bill Saddle Club, the Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Cub Scouts, Golden Grange, and other groups marched down Washington Avenue, starting at Pioneer Park on 16th Street and coming down the hill to the theater.
The Governor was in town to help us celebrate. He flipped the switch at 8PM, and the lights came on. Radio station KMYR was on hand to broadcast the event, with Gene Amole acting as master of ceremonies. The Transcript estimated a crowd of 6000 people.

Neon signs were popular throughout the ’50s and ’60s. One reason they started to wane in popularity was the expense and difficulty of keeping them in operation. Most neon signs are custom built, so businesses can see their names in distinctive fonts. That means that when they break, skilled craftsmen are required to repair them. Eventually the City redid the arch with reflective–rather than neon–lettering.
One of my friends (you know who you are) has both fond and shame-faced memories of breaking the neon letters on the arch during his teen-aged years. That’s probably why the Transcript editor, writing in 1975, remembered the arch as often saying “WELCOME TO OLDEN” and “How Folks!”

One sign still remains from the neon years: Golden Liquors. If you look at the picture of the Jolly Rancher sign (middle row, right side above) you can see the Golden Liquors sign behind it. When that business moved to their current location (13th and Ford) in 1957, the sign went with them.