COVID Updates

While Jefferson County has relaxed their mask requires, Golden has not. In last night’s Council meeting, the Mayor said the various government entities in the metro area are looking at ways to unify the health regulations. She also mentioned that the COVID cases are actually getting a bit worse, so we may quickly go back to a more restrictive set of rules.
Everyone 16 OR OLDER is eligible to get the vaccine.
Appointments to Get the COVID Vaccine
State of Colorado’s Find Out Where You Can Get Vaccinated page | Lutheran Medical Center | JCPH Clinic in Arvada (70+ only) | www.vaccinespotter.org/CO/
Jefferson County Public Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Call Center: 303-239-7000 | State Hotline to answer questions, including location of vaccine providers: 1-877-268-2926. It is staffed 24 hours a day
Golden Testing Sites
Mines COVID Testing | Jeffco Fairgrounds COVID Testing
Jefferson County Case Summary:
Cases in Jeffco – Mon: 41,071 | Tues: 41,197 (+126)
Deaths in Jeffco – Mon: 780 | Tues: 780 (unchanged)
Currently Hospitalized in Jeffco – Mon: 22 | Tues: 22 (unchanged)
Recovered – Mon: 39,062 | Tues: 39,177 (+115)
Known Cases in Golden – Thurs: 1646 | Mon: 1689
More Public Health References
School of Mines COVID-19 case page. | Sign up for exposure notifications | CDC | Colorado | Jefferson County | City of Golden
Virtual Events
8:30-9:30AM Virtual Power Training
9AM Golden Walks – Wednesday Morning Celebrating Life
10:15AM Baby Time with the Library
11:30AM-1PM Chamber of Commerce – Denver Waters System Upgrades
3-5PM Hard Times Writing Workshop
5:30-7PM Golden Orators Toastmasters
6-7PM Know Your Housing Rights – Mobile Home Park Act General Overview
6-7PM Great Decisions – the End of Globalization?

4-7PM Mega-Mini Telethon for Foothills Art Center
Join us for our Livestream Telethon! In partnership with the Golden Civic Foundation and FAC Board of Directors, your dollar will go twice as far to support FAC education programs when you donate today! Their matching challenges total a whopping $9,385! Let’s get together, have some fun, and get silly to support education. To join visit our website or our Facebook page from 4 pm-7 pm on Wednesday, April 7th. You can help us celebrate Janet Nunn’s 20th Anniversary, learn about our Young Curators Program, live trivia, and so much more. See you soon!Donate at Foothillsartcenter.org/donate!

6:30PM Planning Commission Meeting
The owners of 910 12th Street want to add a rooftop deck and are requesting a tier 2 height bonus to allow them to exceed the allowable height for the zone. The case was originally scheduled for last month, but was postponed.

7:30PM Miners Alley Playhouse Quarantine Cabaret
Heather Lacy returns to Miners Alley Playhouse to sing the classics and standards from The Great American Songbook – songs such as Moon River, Fever, Young At Heart, I’m Old Fashioned, Cheek To Cheek, and My Funny Valentine. It’s a trip through the Great American Songbook as seen through the lens of today. We have limited in-person tickets for $25 and streaming tickets starting at $5 (limited) available for this show.
Real Life Events
12PM Colorado Pint Day 2021 @ New Terrain
2PM Colorado Pint Day at Over Yonder Brewing
5PM Jesh Yancey at Over Yonder Brewing
Golden History Moment

50 Years Ago
The April 7, 1971 Golden Transcript described some trouble we were having with roadways. North Table Mountain was slipping downwards, towards Clear Creek. Highway 58 was still under construction at that time, and the new highway and 10th St./44th Avenue were both buckling under pressure from the shifting soil.

There are railroad tracks in that area, and the railroad was having trouble too. “You should have been here this morning,” said the foreman of the railroad crew. “The tracks looked like a roller coaster. The gravel had dropped ten inches here since yesterday.”

The State (Hwy 58), the County (44th Avenue), and the railroad each agreed to pay up to $45K to install a new drainage system that would run under all three roadways.

This was not a new problem. The August 2, 1906 Transcript featured an article that opens thus:
Big Force of Men Employed to Keep the Railroad From Sliding into Clear Creek.
The famous slide of North Table Mountain, which for years has caused Jefferson county and the Colorado & Southern railroad a great amount of trouble, is now assuming proportions of a most serious nature.
The article went on to say that the railroad tracks had recently been pushed so close to the creek that it was too dangerous to take trains over them.
They consulted renowned railroad engineer Edward Berthoud, who said the situation was “peculiar and appalling.”
I would like to say that they resolved the problem in 1906, but since it was still happening in 1971, they clearly didn’t. The soil slippage is worse in wet years.
Many thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!