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Jefferson County draftees on their way to Fort Logan - Click to enlarge

83 Years Ago
In March of 1942, we were four months into World War II and the country was rapidly mobilizing. The March 19, 1942 Colorado Transcript announced that 2,218 Jefferson County men had been required to register with the draft board. The 65 men shown above had been inducted into the U.S. Army and had left for Fort Logan the previous Friday. Six Golden boys were included in that group.

Other articles in that issue reported that the Defense Council and Rationing Board would be occupying the former Post Office space in the Armory building. One of the Mines profs had left to join the Naval Research Laboratories Radio Division in Washington D.C. Several representatives from the School of Mines attended a meeting with the federal government to discuss how they could “hasten mining of strategic metals.” The war had interrupted imports from our regular trading partners.

Jefferson County agriculturalists were organizing to raise more food to support the troops and our allies overseas. The Golden Mill’s weekly advertisement encouraged people to raise more chickens, adding that “eggs from pullets help our bullets.”

The Red Cross was raising funds to help the troops and the United States had multiple ads in the paper, urging people to buy defense bonds.
