Meyer Hardware Update

Virtual Events
10:15AM Toddler Time with the Library
5:30-6:25PM HIIT & Sculpt
Real World Events
8-9AM Hybrid Golden Merchants Meeting @ Golden Visitors Center
10-11AM Story and Craft Time @ Colorado Railroad Museum
1-3PM Wild West Walking Tour
1-4PM All Industry Hiring Fair
The Golden Chamber, The City of Golden, Visit Golden, and the Jefferson County Business and Workforce Center are coming together for another hiring fair! The fair will be held at the Golden Community Center (1470 10th St.) and the The Eddy Hotel (1640 8th St.) Learn more at: www.cityofgolden.net/hiringfair
2:30PM Local Licensing Authority Meeting @ City Hall
The Golden Game Guild is applying for a beer & wine license. Miners Saloon is planning to expand their space.
4-8PM Bell Night at the Golden Mill
The Golden Mill will contribute a portion of tonight’s proceeds to Bell Middle School PTA.
6:30PM City Council Study Session @ City Hall
City Council will meet with a representative from the Denver Indian Center for guidance with building a land acknowledgement process.
The Interim Fire Chief will brief them on a study that evaluated the feasibility of combining Golden’s Fire Department with Fairmount’s and Pleasant View’s.
The City Manager and Finance Director will present the draft 2022 Capital Improvement Plan budget. In addition to the usual revenue sources–largely sales and use tax–Golden anticipates getting $5.2 million from the American Rescue Plan (federal government). The authorized uses of that money include:
• Supporting public health expenditures;
• Addressing negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency;
• Replacing lost public sector revenue;
• Providing premium pay for essential workers; and
• Investing in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure.
City staff proposes using $4 million of that money–plus another $2.75 million of City funds–to build broadband infrastructure and provide affordable housing.
The Deputy City Manager and Steve Glueck (retired/now consulting Community Development Director) will discuss the current status of the Heart of Golden project. The is the plan to build a new municipal center on the former Coors property, east of Ford Street.
Incidentally, Steve Glueck’s job has been posted on the City’s jobs page.
Weekly COVID Update
The Pfizer COVID vaccine now has FULL FDA APPROVAL. Safeway (map) is accepting walk-ins to administer these free vaccines. Walgreens (map) takes walk-ins from 9:30AM to 1PM and 2-8PM Monday – Friday. Appointments are not necessary, but they are available.

Jefferson County Case Summary:
Cases in Jeffco – Sept 13th: 55,639 | Sept 20th: 56,873 (+1234)
Deaths in Jeffco – Sept 13th: 902 | Sept 20th: 913 (11)
Currently Hospitalized in Jeffco – Sept 13th: 59 | Sept 20th: 60 (+1)
Recovered – Sept 13th: 53,093 | Sept 20th: 54,095 (+1,002)
Known Cases in Golden – Sept 13th: 2192 | Sept 20th: 2223 (+31)
COVID Vaccine Appointments
State of Colorado: Where You Can Get Vaccinated
Jeffco Public Health Vaccine Call Center: 303-239-7000
State Vaccine Hotline: 1-877-268-2926.
Golden Testing Sites
Mines COVID Testing | Jeffco Fairgrounds COVID Testing
More Public Health References
Sign up for exposure notifications | CDC | Colorado | Jefferson County | City of Golden
Golden History Moment

71 Years Ago
I learned something new in the September 21, 1950 Colorado Transcript. From 1916 – 1950, Golden residents had mail delivered twice a day.
According to the October 12, 1916 article that announced commencement of free home delivery, “Two deliveries will be made daily in each district, the carriers leaving the postoffice in the morning at 9:55 o’clock and in the afternoon at 3 o’clock.”
The 1950 article began as a complaint. The assistant postmaster was on his way to Washington, so the editorial staff told him, “You tell them back there that we want two deliveries again.”
The patient postmaster explained that the move was necessary to save money, and pointed out that mail arrived at the post office three times a day, and by waiting till afternoon, we would get everything that had arrived that day. He also explained that we would actually get better service for parcels. The regular letter carriers would no longer deliver parcel post; instead, a special parcel carrier would deliver parcels as soon as they were received in the post office.
In the end, the editors were convinced that receiving mail once a day would be OK.
Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!