What’s Happening with the M?

Dan Dupuis at the School of Mines was kind enough to send this “M” update: Student Activities asked us to make a heart design on the M for #idigmines week, but due to the snow, we are turning it red instead. We will have it red through Sunday night (to include Valentine’s day, too!).
Golden Beer Talks
Don’t forget tonight’s Golden Beer Talk, about the Platte River Recovery Project. It starts at 6:30 at Windy Saddle.
Jeffco Innovators Workshop
Tomorrow night’s Jeffco Innovators Workshop features Golden’s own PharmaJet.
Jeffco Innovators is a monthly event, hosted by IX Power Foundation and the City of Golden. It’s designed to allow innovators and entrepreneurs a chance to meet each other and learn from others engaged in early-stage businesses. Meetings are generally held at the Golden City Hall, and usually involve a speaker from a successful local company.
This month’s speaker will be Heather Potters, co-founder of Golden-based PharmaJet, which makes needle-free injectors. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 10th, at 6:30PM. These meetings are free and open to the public. Please register in advance at meetup.com/Innovators-Workshop.
Meeting Location: 911 10th Street in Golden – Map