The ever-popular Ladies Only Sample Tour happens tonight, from 4-7. Stroll Historic Downtown Golden and “sample” all there is to offer. Fabulous Freebies await you in dozens of stores. Bring your mother, daughter, or girlfriends & have a delightful girls’ night out! If you don’t yet have an admission bracelet, you can buy one (while they last) at the corner of 12th and Washington.
The Bookmobile will be in the library parking lot from 6-8 tonight.
The Geology Museum’s First Thursday lecture starts at 7, with social time beginning at 6:30. Dr. John Dreier will present a lecture addressing the mineralization and structural controls in the Silverton Mining District of southwestern Colorado.
This Saturday is the annual “Stamp Out Hunger” drive. Put non-perishable food items in a bag next to your mailbox to be picked up by Golden postal carriers, and the Golden Lions Club will collect it from the Golden Post Office to deliver to the Christian Action Guild. All of your food donations will stay right here in Golden.
Do you own a Golden business? Is so, the City would like you to complete a brief survey, evaluating their level of service to local businesses. The survey is available online or as a PDF that you can complete and return to the City.