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James Pomeroy Killed by Streetcar

Black and white photo showing early 20th century Golden.  A bridge going over Kinney Run is circled.
Streetcar bridge over Kinney Run - Click to enlarge

86 Years Ago
The March 10, 1938 Colorado Transcript had a grisly tale to tell. At about 9 o'clock Sunday evening, James H. Pomeroy had left his home on 13th Street for a walk. The next morning, a passer-by found his body under the street car bridge over Kinney Run. (This would be approximately where Jackson Street crosses in front of Safeway.)

The coroner empaneled a jury, and together, they visited the scene of the accident. They also examined the streetcar which had arrived in Golden just after midnight. They concluded that Mr. Pomeroy had been "lying down on the side of the street car track when struck by the car." His body had been dragged over the bridge for about eighteen feet before dropping to the dry stream bed below. The streetcar driver said he was unaware of having hit anything.

Mr. Pomeroy had worked as a custodian at the School of Mines for about ten years. The Avenue Flashes column in the Transcript commented as follows:

The death of Pomeroy was a shock to the citizens of Golden--he was a quiet unassuming man who attended to his work loyally.

James Pomeroy left a wife, two adult children, and two grandchildren. He is buried in the Golden Cemetery.

Red granite headstone with POMEROY engraved.  Other gravestones visible in the area.
Mr. Pomeroy's grave is located near, and southeast of, the cemetery office

Thanks to the Golden History Museum for providing the online cache of historic Transcripts, and to the Golden Transcript for documenting our history since 1866!
