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Entrance sign at the Golden Cemetery – enlarge - Click to enlarge

95 Years Ago

The September 12, 1929 Colorado Transcript announced that the Golden Cemetery was getting a new metal sign, “…with the words ‘Golden Cemetery,’ which will be mounted over the two gate posts at the cemetery. This was secured through the efforts of William Woods, Golden mortician.

I wondered whether that same sign had lasted all these years, so I searched old Transcripts for any word of the sign being replaced since then. No indication there. Then I moved on to the Golden History Museum’s photo collection. They had one showing what appears to be the current sign in 1989.

Golden Cemetery entrance sign in 1989 (with smaller trees!) – Golden History Museum collection – enlarge

Finally, I checked the Denver Public Library’s Western History collection, and eureka! I found a photo of the Golden Cemetery sign taken in 1935, when the W.P.A. was cleaning up the cemetery and building a new office.

Golden Cemetery entrance sign in 1935 – Denver Public Library Western History Collection – enlarge

That sign is distinctly different, and is probably the one that was fabricated in 1929.

Many thanks to the Golden Rotary Club for sponsoring for sponsoring Golden History Moments for the month of September.
