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Investment Task Force Findings, Stegosaur Lecture, and the Intersection of Faith and Culture

Preliminary report on Golden’s investment priorities.
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The Investment Task Force meets tonight at 6PM in City Council Chambers. They will review a preliminary version of their report to City Council. This is the group that was charged with looking at Golden’s wish list of projects. They were asked to survey the community to prioritize the “wishes” and to determine which, if any, the community wants badly enough to raise sales or property taxes. As of last week, they had received about 320 responses to the online survey, which they consider a pretty good response level.

Thus far, the only investment that the majority of respondents want to fund is open space acquisition. This can still change–the survey is open until the end of May, so if you haven’t taken it yet, DO IT NOW! You have only today and tomorrow to do it. To see the preliminary report that they’ll be discussing tonight, open their meeting packet on the agenda page.

Dinosaur Ridge is offering a free lecture tonight from 6-7:30PM. Tonight’s topic is stegosaurs! This event takes place at the Dinosaur Ridge Discovery Center, 17681 W Alameda Pkwy, Golden, CO (map). RSVP at

As mentioned yesterday, tonight is the first meeting of Public Square–an open dialogue on topics that intersect faith and culture. Join the group from 6-7PM at Higher Grounds Cafe, 803 14th Street, Suite B, Golden, CO (map).
