COVID Updates

Jefferson County Case Summary:
Cases in Jeffco – Tuesday: 48,253 | Wednesday: 48,311 (+58)
Deaths in Jeffco – Tuesday: 842 | Wednesday: 843 (+1)
Currently Hospitalized in Jeffco – Tuesday: 33 | Wednesday: 35 (+2)
Recovered – Tuesday: 47,144 | Wednesday: 47,184 (+40)
Known Cases in Golden – May 31st: 1994 | June 7th: 2001
COVID Vaccine Appointments
State of Colorado: Where You Can Get Vaccinated
Jeffco Public Health Vaccine Call Center: 303-239-7000
State Vaccine Hotline: 1-877-268-2926.
Golden Testing Sites
Mines COVID Testing | Jeffco Fairgrounds COVID Testing
More Public Health References
Sign up for exposure notifications | CDC | Colorado | Jefferson County | City of Golden
Virtual Events
8:40-9:35AM Silver Sneakers Classic
10-10:30AM Mid-Morning Meditation
10-11:30AM Microsoft Excel Basics
10:10-11:05AM All Levels Yoga
10:15-10:30AM Preschool Time with the Library
11:40AM-12:35PM Silver Sneakers Circuit
3-5PM Hard Times Writing Workshop
4-5PM Máscaras Salvajes / Wild Masks
4:30-6PM Office Hours – Zoning Code Rewrite
The second draft of the zoning code rewrite is now available online. Chat with the City’s Planning Staff about the revised draft. Find out the ramifications for your neighborhood! The conversation will take place through Webex.
6-7PM Qs and Brews Trivia
6-7:30PM Book Bingo: An Author Adventure (Mystery and Suspense)
Real World Events – Including City Meetings!
9:45AM or 10:30AM Preschool Nature Nuts @ Lookout Mountain Nature Center
10AM Public Art Commission Special Business Meeting
The Art Commission will meet this morning. The agenda says they will discuss mural art submissions and the Art Master Plan scope of work, but as of this writing there are no attachments showing either. This is an in-person meeting and will be held in City Council Chambers.
11-11AM Outdoor Story Time @ Golden History Museum
5:15-7:15PM Buti, Beer, and Brie @ Mountain Toad Brewing
6PM Fun Run @ Runners High
6PM Bike to Happy Hour: North Table Mesa
6:30PM Economic Development Commission Meeting
EDComm will hear a presentation from the Jeffco Business and Workforce Center about the economic impacts of the pandemic on Jefferson County employers. Staff will update them on a Golden Career Fair to be offered later this month.

4PM Bike Night at Dirty Dogs Roadhouse
5PM Bruce Cole at Wrigley’s
6PM Uhl Duo @ Buffalo Rose (Sky Bar Stage – outdoor patio)
6PM Black River Revue @ New Terrain Brewing
6PM Open Pick Night at Over Yonder Brewing
7PM Shovelin’ Stone @ Columbine Cafe
8PM Karaoke at Rock Rest Lodge
Golden History Moment

56 Years Ago
On June 10, 1965, Golden’s brand new Dairy Queen on 8th Street was celebrating its Grand Opening. According to the Transcript, the owner–Lee Vernon–had visited his brother here in the mid-1930s. He liked the town immediately, and had wanted to be in business here since then.

In later years, he built a second Dairy Queen on South Golden Road, and eventually sold the one on 8th Street. It remained an ice cream store but wasn’t part of the Dairy Queen chain. For several years now, the building has been home to El Dorado Mexican restaurant. (When you compare the photo with the ad above, the origins of the building are apparent!)

At that time, when a new business was opening, it was customary for the companies that helped build it to take out “congratulations” ads in the Transcript. Thus, the June 10th issue of the paper also includes ads from the lumber yard, the construction company, the electrical and HVAC contractors, and the vendors who would sell the new shop its supplies.
The Golden Transcript (originally called the Colorado Transcript) has been publishing since 1866. The Golden History Museum has been working on digitizing the historic issues. You’ll find old Transcripts online at coloradohistoricnewspapers.org.