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A Wagon Ride Through Golden History - Photo by Chris Davell - Click to enlarge

A reader once commented that she enjoys my history articles because "they're so random!" It's true—I skip all over the place in time and topic, inspired mostly by the question, "What happened in Golden on this date in any year?"

If you've ever wanted to hear Golden's story from beginning to end (or more accurately from Native Americans to the 21st Century downtown renaissance), here's a perfect opportunity:

horse-drawn wagon near the library, the mountaineering center, and at 12th & Washington

My daughter Margaret and I will be offering a Wagon Ride Through History this Friday at noon. Margaret—with her Clydesdales, Wallace and Todd—will drive us through Golden's oldest commercial and residential neighborhoods while I tell the tales of Golden's past.

I hope you’ll join us this Friday, May 31st, at noon. Tickets are available at
