Public Health References
CDC * Colorado * Jefferson County * City of Golden
JCPHD updates the Coronavirus statistics Monday through Friday at about 3 PM. The next update will be included in Tuesday’s post.
Weather Alert

In case you haven’t heard–the weather forecast says we’ll reach the high 80s today, and we are expecting SNOW tomorrow.
Cultural Golden

The Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum is abuzz with activity this week. They weren’t able to do their annual “Fabric and Friends” event, so instead they’re doing an online auction–and they have some fabulous items, whether or not you’re a quilter!
They’re also starting a 4 week class this Wednesday, September 9th: Pomegranate and Friends. This weekend’s virtual Sunday at the Museum will feature “Quilting Your Family History” with Kathy Emmel. Finally, you won’t want to miss their two current exhibitions: Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum’s 30th Anniversary Celebration | RMQM Collection Quilts and Eugenia Mitchell Solo Exhibit: Eugenia’s Dream – 30 Years in the Making.

The Colorado Railroad Museum will host the first of three weekends with Thomas the Tank Engine starting this coming Saturday, September 12th. Tickets are on sale now, and some time slots are selling out, so buy your tickets soon!

Foothills Art Center is offering two Zoom into Watercolor classes with Janet Nunn: Spoon and Black Eyed Susans on September 8th and Rock Wall and Window with Wax Paper on September 15th. And don’t forget to see their three current exhibits: Held in Suspension by Mattie O, False Choice, and Fragmentation by Stephan Begej. (This is the final week for Fragmentation.)

The Friends of the Mines Museum are offering a live, online lecture tomorrow night, featuring Seth Vandenberg, Science Educator at Mammoth Site of Hot Springs South Dakota. Seth will be discussing how the Ice Age can be used to teach science concepts to K-12 students.

The Golden History Museum has an online lecture scheduled this Thursday: Off alone on my tramps: On the Trail of Women Botanists in the U.S. West. Join presenter Dr. Tina Gianquitto to uncover the stories of women plant collectors in the mountain west as told by the letters they wrote to friends and fellow botanists. Plant collecting attracted a host of rugged western women in the late nineteenth century. Some took to the activity as a way to ease the loneliness of frontier life, while others turned to professional collecting as a way to supplement often meager household incomes. In all cases, plant collecting brought women together and into various networks of people who shared their passions for plants. These women played important roles in identifying and mapping the native plants of the western U.S., but their letters also give us a glimpse into the unique challenges they faced as women in frontier spaces.

Miners Alley Playhouse is offering the third in their Quarantine Cabaret series this Saturday. Banthom House, based in Boulder, Colorado, is a traditional Irish music band that also plays a mix of bluegrass and folk tunes. Formed in the summer of 2020, the band features Allegra Ludwig on fiddle and vocals, David Otto on mandolin and vocals, and Aaron Vega on guitar, cajon, and vocals.
Golden History Moment

Top Row, Left to Right: Golden Electric Light Plant, Golden Flour Mill, Golden Smelter, Coors Brewery
Middle Row, Left to Right: New White Ash Coal Mine, Golden Fire Brick, Golden Paper Mill, Rubey Clay Mine
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Coors Malted Milk, Rock Flour Mill, Coors Porcelain, North Table Mountain Rock Quarry – click to enlarge
In honor of Labor Day, here are several historic Golden industries, from the Golden History Museum photo collection and the 1893 Golden Globe Industrial Edition.