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Golden has so many interesting groups, doing interesting things–non-profits, citizens groups, cultural organizations, etc..  I use What’s Happening in Golden?, which reaches about 1,000 people every day, to help these groups spread the word.  Beginning today, I’m going to invite these groups to tell their own stories, by giving them this space.  I hope to do this about once a week.  My first guest is Miners Alley Playhouse.  Enjoy!
Barb Warden, webmaster,

The new management team at Miners Alley Playhouse is celebrating our first year at the helm of downtown Golden’s professional theater with a season for everyone: Classic comedies, an award-winning drama, two award-winning musicals, and an exciting new play which is guaranteed to take you back to the days of hippie folk songs in Greenwich Village. We’ve also added new events at the theater, including monthly comedy nights and a summer theater camp for kids ages 7 to 12. “We’re trying to program shows which will excite our core audience, while also bringing a whole new audience into the theater,” says Len Matheo, the new Executive Director at MAP.  “If you haven’t been to Miners Alley in a while, now is the time to come back and see what we’re doing. I think you’ll be proud of Golden’s professional theater!” The current show, The Road to Mecca, stars some of Denver’s top talent, and just garnered a rave review in The Denver Post. We’re striving to give Golden audiences the best theater in the Denver area: stellar actors doing award-winning work.

The new team at Miners Alley is immersed in the Golden community: Brenda Billings (Artistic Director) and husband Jim (Treasurer) have lived in Golden for nearly 30 years, and are actively involved in local business & community organizations. Matheo and wife Lisa DeCaro (on the MAP board of directors) relocated from Evergreen to the Golden neighborhood near 6th Ave and 19th Street, to be closer to the theater and their community. Their daughter is attending 1st grade at Shelton Elementary, and Lisa is going to serve Golden on the newly created Downtown Development Authority board. Jonathan Scott-McKean (Managing Director) lives near Green Mountain, and has been involved with MAP for years as a lighting designer and bar manager for the previous management team.

And now we want to hear from YOU, Golden! As we program our second season (2015), we what to hear from our audience… so please drop us a line and let us know what you want to see! What brings you to Miners Alley? If nothing has… what would? Having an award-winning professional theater in the heart of downtown Golden is only possible with a loyal audience, and we want to build on the great foundation created by our predecessors, while adding new offerings to bring more of the community into the Playhouse. Please contact Len Matheo at with any feedback, suggestions, or complaints. And you can always go to for more information about upcoming shows, concerts, and events.
