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Golden History and Learning About Non-Profit Management

Golden struggled mightily to become the permanent capital of Colorado Territory, but lost out to Denver in December of 1871. The Colorado Transcript, always a fierce advocate for Golden, felt that the matter had been decided through skullduggery, and was sure that Golden would prevail in the end.

The Capital may leave us, but that will not settle the question really at issue. We can look upon this loss with composure…. Jealousy, passion and wrong may rule for a time, but even-handed justice will eventually deal justly with all. Colorado Transcript – December 11, 1871

We never regained the Capital, but we can safely say that justice prevailed in end. I mean, really–would you rather live in Denver or in Golden?

The Golden History Museum will present a lecture tonight at 6PM: Coloradans Choose Their Capital, 1861-1881.

For 20 years, the seat of Colorado’s government remained unsettled. Denver dominated the region from the onset of the gold rush, but resentment from other communities about Denver’s wealth and power led to a political struggle for years. This presentation will outline the battle between Denver, Golden, Colorado City, and other towns over the seat of government, and how the largest city ultimately prevailed. $0 Members; $10 non-members. Register.

The Historic Preservation Board will meet at 6:30PM in City Council Chambers. They will consider whether to provide a “Certificate of Appropriateness” for a project at 1100 13th Street. The owners plan to build several additions: The additions will total approximately 2,400 sq.ft. of living space at the upper level, 1,350 sq.ft. at the basement level, and 1,600 sq.ft of vehicle parking at the basement (rear grade) level. The applicant is also proposing a new one-story addition at the front porch, fronting 13thStreet. Bill Litz, President of the Golden Landmarks Association, will provide a brief update regarding the proposed Territorial Capital Historic District. This would be a non-contiguous district consisting of various buildings that were here while Golden was still the capital. See the meeting packet to learn more….

Live Music:

The Fireside Pickers will meet at New Terrain Brewing at 6PM.

A Generous Offer From The Golden Civic Foundation:

Build your skills. Expand your networks. Increase your impact.

Become a 2019-2020 Golden Civic Foundation Scholar! Announcing scholarships to attend the 2019-2020 Nonprofit Pathway program at Red Rocks Community College. Scholarship funding is provided by the Golden Civic Foundation.

Employees or committed volunteers for nonprofit organizations located in or serving the community of Golden are eligible to apply. Recent Golden High School graduates are also eligible to apply.

The Nonprofit Pathway at Red Rocks Community College is a nonprofit management certificate that can be completed in one year focusing on one course at a time. Applications for scholarships to attend the 2019-2020 academic program are being accepted through May 31, 2019. Applications and program information can be found HERE.

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