At 4PM, the Arthur Lakes Library at the School of Mines will present another ED Talk: The People of Leadville, Colorado. Ed Raines, the Collection Manager for the Geology Museum of the Colorado School of Mines, will take his series of lectures on the mining history of Colorado from the Gilman District to Leadville. More information about the ED Talk.
The Mayor’s Community Celebration/Awards for Excellence takes place from 6:30-8PM in the student center on the School of Mines Campus. They will celebrate this year’s winners of the Mayor’s Awards for Excellence: Kim Brock, Carol and Don Cameron, the Lunch and Life Program, and the CSM Dance Team. They will also hear from inspirational speaker John O’Leary. You are invited! Learn more about the Mayor’s Community Celebration….

The kids can get a jump-start on Halloween tonight, with Trick-or-Treat Street at the High School and Nightmare on Greek Street:
Golden High School will have Trick or Treat Street from 5:30-7PM. Bring your little ghosts and goblins to a fun and safe trick-or-treat experience in the Golden High School cafeteria. Celebrate Halloween with games, candy, and fun! Open to elementary school students grade K-6. Sponsored by Golden High School Student Council. 701 24th Street, Golden, CO (map)
The Colorado School of Mines Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council will host Nightmare on Greek Street from 7-9PM. This free event provides the Golden community with a safe and fun trick-or-treat environment. Various Mines sports, clubs and organizations will set up booths along Greek Row, home to the university’s fraternities and sororities, featuring arts and crafts activities, face painting, rocket demonstrations and more. 1856-1701 West Campus Road, Golden, CO (map)
Halloween Preview:
The downtown merchants will be handing out candy tomorrow from 3:30-5:30. To protect the trick or treaters, the City will shut down Washington Avenue from 11th to 14th Streets and 12th and 13th Streets from Miners Alley to Prospector Alley.
From 5:30-8PM, School of Mines Students will be out trick or treating for canned and nonperishable food items to donate to the food pantry at the Christian Acton Guild.
There are still a few openings available for tomorrow night’s Golden City Historical Ghost Tour and Pub Crawl. They will meet in front of the Dove Inn at 7:15. You must buy your tickets ahead of time!