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Double Duty for the Opera House Roof

Golden Opera House with “GOLDEN” painted on the roof – Dan Abbott Collection - Click to enlarge

89 Years Ago
The January 9, 1936 Colorado Transcript announced that the Colorado National Guard planned to label towns so that aviators could identify them from the air. The display was also supposed to include an arrow, pointing to the nearest landing field. Mayor Jones speculated that the word “GOLDEN” would be painted on the roof of the Armory, the Opera House, or on one of the buildings on the Mines campus. Evidently the Opera House was chosen.

The Transcript‘s “Avenue Flashes” October 15, 1936 column stated that “Historic old opera house in Golden now does duty as a guide to flyers—on the roof is painted in large letters the word G O L D E N with a directing arrow.” The arrow isn’t visible in the photo above, so perhaps it appeared on the west slope of the roof.
