71 Years Ago
The January 7, 1954 Colorado Transcript announced that the Golden Mill was being dismantled. The Mill had been grinding wheat into flour for nearly a century. The mill wheel was powered by water diverted from Clear Creek.

The mill ditch ran across Parfet Park and was a constant safety hazard. Many children had drowned there over the years. In 1953, the City purchased the water rights from the mill ditch and filled it in. Rather than running the grinding operation by electricity, the owners decided to give up the flour-making business.

The Golden Mill had always sold animal feed, and for many years had brought in a supply of baby chicks every spring. They continued as a feed store for another half-century. The store closed in 2018, when the last owner retired. The building was converted into a wildly popular food hall, which retains the historic name: the Golden Mill.