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Decisions are made by those who show up

Here are this week’s city meetings.  These are all open to the pubic.  Remember–it’s far more effective to weigh in on an issue before a decision has been made than to be angry about it afterward.  Decisions are made by those who show up–so show up!

Tonight:  the Downtown Development Authority meets at 6:30 in City Council chambers.  They will review a feasibility study for bike-sharing in Golden.  They will consider grant requests from the Colorado Environmental Film Festival, Golden Fine Arts Festival, Golden Music Festival, Golden Chamber for the August Street Fair, Golden Library, Spirits in the Wind Gallery, and the Regis Company.  They will review a survey of the alley between 14th & 15th, and discuss RFPs for holiday lights and two new transit shelters in Parfet Park.  For more information, check their meeting packet.

Tuesday:  the Parks & Recreation Board meets at 7PM at the Golden Community Center.  The Public Works Director will attend the meeting, to discuss the “parks” aspects of the new lid to be added as part of the Hwy 6 and 19th Street interchange.  The board will also discuss the North Table Mountain trail closure.

7:30AM Citizens Budget Advisory Committee
in City Council chambers.  They will discuss the capital and operating budgets.  City staff will give presentations on city facilities, cemetery operations, the parks, and the fire department.
6-8PM Public meeting at the Golden Community Center regarding the Hwy 6 and 19th Street interchange.  Public Works is proposing a change to the “preferred design” in order to reduce project cost.
6:30 Planning Commission in City Council Chambers.
They will review the commission’s mission and responsibilities, review a feasibility study for bike-sharing in Golden, and consider streamlining the permitting process for small animals (chickens, ducks, bees, rabbits, etc.).  For more information, review their agenda.
