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COVID Stats, Brewery Open Today, and the Lookout Mountain Inn

View from the Coors Industrial Park – Click to enlarge

Coronavirus Update

Public Health References
CDC * Colorado * Jefferson County * City of Golden

Jefferson County’s case count page says that as of 3PM yesterday, there have been 2,432 cases in Jefferson County (up from 2,316). There have been 152 deaths (up from 142) and 349 are hospitalized (up from 339). There are 201 known cases in Golden (up from 199).

NOTE: the “up from” numbers were from last Friday, May 23rd.

Cases of COVID-19 as of Tuesday May 26thClick to visit the JCPH page

The Safer at Home protocol is now in effect. Check the City’s site to learn more about what that entails. Everyone is still requested to wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth when leaving the house. City and County fire restrictions are in place. Clear Creek is closed to all recreational activities.

Virtual Golden

8-8:55AM Virtual Flow Yoga
9-10AM Virtual Power Training
10:15-11:15AM Let’s Dance with the Library
5:30-6:10PM Virtual Core Conditioning
6PM Community Sustainability Advisory Board Meeting
6PM Wednesday Watch Party with the Library: The Lost World
6PM Coronavirus Community Briefing with Mayor Weinberg and City Manager Slowinski
6:30-7:30PM The Next Normal — Looking Ahead to COVID-19 Recovery – Jefferson County Public Health Telephone Town Hall. Call 855-695-3486 to participate.

Golden Business News

The State and County have now released guidelines under which restaurants can re-open. There are several in Golden that plan to open on Monday, June 1st.

Note the widely separated tables!

Golden City Brewery is opening today, and Pile High Burgers will be on site.

We will be opening our lovely patio at 11am tomorrow for sit down service and our taproom will be open for To-Go and online orders.

To do that, we’ll be following all of the guidelines set forth by the state. Masks must be worn in the taproom and patio unless you are in your seat. No groups larger than 8.
Children and pets must be kept at your designated table. Chairs and tables may not be moved.

Golden City Brewery|  920 12th Street  | 303-279-8092  |  Map

Golden History Moment

Lookout Mountain Inn – 1920s – Click to enlarge

As early as the 1890s, there was great interest in developing Lookout Mountain as a resort area. Getting there was a great barrier: access by wagon road was very poor and standard railroads could never make the climb. The first solid effort to get tourists to the top of the mountain came with the 1912 Funicular Railway. This was quickly superseded by automobiles when the Lariat Loop Road was built.

Photo courtesy of Lorraine Wagenbach – Click to enlarge

The Lookout Mountain Inn was located near the top of the funicular and on the Lariat Loop Road. The Wagenbach family owned the business, and hosted dances with big name bands there.

The Next Generation – the Lookout Mountain Trading Post – Click to enlarge

By the 1940s, the Inn had been purchased by the Butin family and renamed to “Lookout Mountain Trading Post.” At this point, the tourist draw was strengthened by the addition of a curio shop.

In the 1950s, new owners changed the name to the “Television Coffee Shop.” This was likely because it was located so close to the Lookout Mountain collection of TV antennas.

If anyone knows what became of it next, I would love to hear about it!
