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heavy equipment dropping construction materials into a large dumpster, the wreckage of a building, and some large, bare trees
Chris Davell took this picture from the Xicamiti parking lot on Monday, 4/15/24 - enlarge - Click to enlarge

Demolition has started on the CoorsTek buildings. The first to go was a small, square building in the northwest corner. Dan Cohen, President of AC Development, points out that this was the only stand-alone building on the site--all other buildings are interconnected.

Aerial view of a very large building, roofless except for the steel roof girders
Drone shot by Patrick Klein, April 17th, showing the remaining wreckage of the first building and the beginning of work in the next one. - enlarge

Yesterday, there were three excavators digging into the large building that has been roofless for quite some time. Chris Davell reported that the wreckage is being sorted and shipped off for recycling.

Three excavators pulled down the walls and roof beams of the second building
Starting work on the second building - photo by Chris Davell - enlarge

In the future, 8th Street will go through this area, from Washington Avenue to Ford Street (as will 9th Street).

Thanks to Chris Davell and Patrick Klein for documenting the process!

aerial photo of a very large building with steel roof rafters being pulled down by heavy equipment
April 18th view by Patrick Klein - enlarge
