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Commentary: Ambiguous Questions With No Clear Answers

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The City is holding another open house tonight to gather public feedback on the Heart of Golden project. I found the last open house frustrating. There were boards at each stop along the creek, listing statements about the creek area. At each stop, we were given red and green stickers and asked to apply one by each statement--green if we agreed and red if we disagreed.

That seemed simple enough, but I found that most of the questions could be interpreted in multiple ways. For instance:

Example 1:
I support having tennis courts and ball fields, but am unsure if this is the right location.

How do I answer that if I support tennis courts and ball fields and I am sure that this is the right location?

If I agree that I want tennis courts and ball fields, am I also saying, incorrectly, that I might want them moved?

If I disagree, will that be interpreted as a vote in favor of moving them, even if that's not what I want?

Example 2:
I oppose increased traffic and the impact of parking on already stressed areas, especially during peak seasons.

I certainly don't want increased traffic, but what do you mean about parking? If I agree, will that be interpreted as a request to remove the existing parking spots near the creek?

Example 3:
I support maintaining and expanding green spaces and preserving natural areas along the river.

How should I answer if I support "maintaining" but not necessarily "expanding?" If I say yes, I support this, will that be interpreted as a vote in favor of demolishing the current city buildings and turning them into park land?

Example 4:
I support maintaining parking near the east zone, closer to existing parking structures.

I'm in favor of keeping the Clear Creek lot in the east zone, but will agreeing with this statement mean that existing parking spots closer to Lions Park would be eliminated?

Other Examples:
There were several other ambiguous statements.

  • I support keeping areas open and as natural as possible, minimizing development.
  • I oppose losing the natural beauty of Golden. 
  • I support the desire to preserve Golden's small-town charm, especially in central areas.
  • I oppose development that could disrupt the community's character and attract large crowds.
  • I oppose relocating the Golden History Museum or other buildings to creek-side areas, preferring these spaces remain parks or open spaces.
  • I support maintaining and enhancing open, natural spaces along the creek, keeping them whole without cutting them with roads or buildings.

With most of those statements I thought that either a red or a green sticker could be interpreted as a vote in favor of demolishing existing buildings and constructing new ones.

I was so afraid I would vote for something I didn't intend to support that I went home with stickers still in my pockets.

I hope tonight's questions are more clearly phrased.
